Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 17, 2012

The tragic events on Friday, December 14 2012 have left many in the nation grieving over the loss.


This article gives a very detailed description of the events that took place on Friday. It starts by giving brief information of the gunman's history and the victim count. 20 children, mostly 6-7 and 6 adults were killed, including the principal and the school psychologist. This particular article really focused on the supposed gunman and what all concerned him throughout the day. This article did talk about the fact that Adam murdered his mother in their home and that the three guns found at the scene were all registered in his mother's name.


This article was specifically about a young boy named Dylan Hockley, 6 years. Dylan was a special needs student at Sandy Hook elementary and had a very loved teacher, Mrs. Murphy; with whom he died in the arms of. In the lines of bullets, this brave teacher held and protected Dylan as best as she could. They ended up dying together and Dylan dying in his beloved teacher's arms. Dylan's parents have shared their gratefulness towards Mrs. Murphy for being with their son.


This article was focused more on the parent's point of view of the shooting. Many said that they are not sure as to whether they will be sending their kids back to school anytime soon. Sandy Hook elementary has rumors of not reopening, because of the tragic events. It was found out that Adam has hundreds of rounds of ammunition, which could have killed pretty much every child in the elementary school, so police are saying that this could have been a lot worse.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Shooting in Connecticut elementary school

Earlier today, at around 9:30-9:40, two gunmen attacked an elementary school in Connecticut and ended up killing 27 people (18 kids) along with the principal and school psychologist. One gunman was pronounced dead, but the status on the other is unknown. Police flooded the scene and the children were evacuated and relocated to a safer facility. Some kids were seen to have been leaving the school building bloodied, not known to be injured, but bloodied. Parents came and got their kids and the school is under a lock down and under intense investigation. The nearby hospital is also under a lock down in order to care efficiently for some of the students who were taken there after the shooting. The actual number of victims is still being investigated as is the other gunman. I think it's completely sick for someone to do this in general, but with kids especially. It's frustrating for these people to sometimes get away with this, so I hope they get the other gunman and really make him pay for life. If capital punishment was still in affect he should be the first in line for this. Makes me sick to think about. The families are in my prayers.

Bell Ringer! Dec. 14, 2012

Recently in Florida, a guy sold his last name online to the highest bidder. The former name "Sadler" was up for grabs, as the guy said his mother was getting a divorce and he would cease to have any need for that last name, but he also needed money, so why not. The bidding ended on December 13th and the name went to the highest bidder for $45,500. Of course, many legal things will have to be changed for this man in order to get all of his legal papers and documents changed in the system. Some people have a problem with him doing this, but he thinks it's completely fine with it and plans to probably keep selling stuff on self made sites.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 13, 2012

The army is now dealing with volunteers who are extremely too overweight to enlist. With our nation right now being a major "fat" problem, its a no brainer that our nation's army will soon be fat too. Obesity is the leading cause for people to be turned down by the army now, with numbers still growing. In 2007 116 troops were declined from joining the army because of their weight; now, 1625 people have been turned down in the first 10 months of this year. I definitely think its a problem today that the army is losing volunteers because of weight, but at the same time I'm not surprised it's happening. Our nation right now is a fat nation and if something isn't done it will only get worse.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 12, 2012

On Tuesday, in Sissonville, WV a gas line leak went up in flames on interstate 77. The fire was massive and burned at least four homes along with melting the pavement and guardrails. At least five other houses have external fire damage, but no one was really home on the day of this explosion; many were at work. All the surrounding hillsides and land was on fire, and burned for a while without any let up. Tomblin did have to say that the heat from the explosion was so hot that it actually cooked the pavement and turned it to tar. Accidents happen and I'm glad no one was really hurt. Hopefully the interstate can be cleaned up.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 11, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff is the newest discussion topic, as the dates are dwindling for Obama and senators to decide what to do and when. Last minute is one thing, but have the potential to push the date back three times is something else. They are hoping to have the amount in by Dec. 21..if not then then bu Jan 1st..if not then, then by Jan 3rd..then who knows. If this does not get taken care of, then the process will have to start completely over, and no one wants that to have to happen. The majority is hoping that they get this decided by the 21st.

Bell Ringer! Dec. 10, 2012

in Portland, Oregon, two boys, ages 7 and 11 tried to carjack/ rob a 22 year old woman while she was waiting in her truck for other family members. She said the boys approached her and showed her the gun they had; she still refused to get out of her truck, so then the boys demand her phone and money. The woman then drove off and police came and got the boys, because they are so young they could not be taken into custody, so they were returned to their families. I think this happening is really an awful thing when you think about it, because these boys were so young; just goes to show you what the society is becoming. On the other hand i keep getting this mental picture of these little boys telling a grown woman to give up her money and phone, it seems unreal and no one would ever think it would really happen.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 7, 2012

In New York on December 6th, a man was killed in a subway train accident. This man was involved in a confrontation and physically fell into the train tracks. Spectators watched as this tragedy happened with no one offering to help, instead, people watched with cell phones out recording the event and taking pictures. After the even happened, doctors tried to revive him with, of course, no success. I think it's really messed up how people could just watch this man about to get hit and not at least try to help. I couldn't imagine seeing that and pulling out my cell phone to take pictures, how awful are people going to get. You have to think, what if it was a family member of yours who was down on the tracks; doesn't make sense to me.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 6, 2012

The Grammies are coming up soon and Mrs. Michelle Obama has been nominated for her story about vegetables and why healthy food on the table is important. She was up against Ellen and Rachel Maddows and Janis Ian. How convenient for the first lady. I don't know when the Grammies are, but I guess a lot of important people are going to be there and its going to be a big deal. I have never watched the Grammies, so I really don't know what it's all about, but Good luck to Michelle. Clinton was also nominated and has already won stuff as has Hilary Clinton.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 3, 2012

Alright, so..these five US schools are passing this thing where they will add up to 300 more hours of school learning class time into their schedule in hopes to make US schools better and get US school scores higher and in global competing range. Basically we need to be smarted, because our education is lower than a bunch of other country's education rates. Everyone else is out there winning stuff and we're just here, sitting in our debt and being lazy. I think its ultimately a good idea to increase the class time, but then again I wouldn't be too happy about it if it were my school.