Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bell Ringer! Dec. 17, 2012

The tragic events on Friday, December 14 2012 have left many in the nation grieving over the loss.


This article gives a very detailed description of the events that took place on Friday. It starts by giving brief information of the gunman's history and the victim count. 20 children, mostly 6-7 and 6 adults were killed, including the principal and the school psychologist. This particular article really focused on the supposed gunman and what all concerned him throughout the day. This article did talk about the fact that Adam murdered his mother in their home and that the three guns found at the scene were all registered in his mother's name.


This article was specifically about a young boy named Dylan Hockley, 6 years. Dylan was a special needs student at Sandy Hook elementary and had a very loved teacher, Mrs. Murphy; with whom he died in the arms of. In the lines of bullets, this brave teacher held and protected Dylan as best as she could. They ended up dying together and Dylan dying in his beloved teacher's arms. Dylan's parents have shared their gratefulness towards Mrs. Murphy for being with their son.


This article was focused more on the parent's point of view of the shooting. Many said that they are not sure as to whether they will be sending their kids back to school anytime soon. Sandy Hook elementary has rumors of not reopening, because of the tragic events. It was found out that Adam has hundreds of rounds of ammunition, which could have killed pretty much every child in the elementary school, so police are saying that this could have been a lot worse.

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