Friday, August 24, 2012

Civics Assignment for August 23, 2012

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)
         To me, the Constitution is the set law of the land. It tells everyone who lives here how it should be and what they should expect and strive for. It also serves as a basis and a set of rules to the higher authority groups (the three branches). The Constitution then continues to let we the people know our God given rights of the land. Without the Constitution we would never have had any kind of guideline to follow from the start.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ? - Mine and every ones life would probably be complete chaos right from the start. I would more than not be ruled by someone right now, the whole country would. The average people wouldn't have a voice for themselves.

3. Define the following words:

Ratification- The approval of or confirmation of something done by a higher authority.

Faction- A smaller clique inside of a larger group, like a political party.

Federalism- A type of concept that is kept together by certain members; a specific system within the government.

Federalist/ Anti federalist- Anti federalists are the ones who did not want to ratify the Constitution. They believed that it gave too much power, so they weren't for it. The Federalists were the ones who believed we should have some rights and that the government wouldn't have a power problem because it would be split into three parts.

Compromise- A deal or agreement that is supposed to make everyone a little bit happy. You have to give a little to get.

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)- An agreement that was made that set a legislative structure representation for each state, and was enforced under the Constitution.

Checks and Balances- The system set up by separating power and making three branches legislative, executive and judicial. This system ensures that one branch won't get more powerful than the others.

Democratic Republic- A country that is classified as a democracy and a republic. The public has the power mostly.

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government- The Expressed powers, the Implied powers and Inherent powers. What the Federal Government has the power to carry out.

Reserved Powers of the State Governments- Powers to conduct elections, powers to establish local governments, to select U.S. senators, etc. powers the states can conduct.

Separation of Powers- The making of three distinct branches to carry our different jobs and to remain equal in power. They essentially work together in the end.

Civil Liberties- Specific rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to within living in the U.S.

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