Friday, November 30, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 30, 2012

These articles wee each very disturbing, however, my videos wouldn't load and i didn't feel like messing with it. So, first, this sorry excuse for a mother posts a picture of her teenage daughter naked! Who does that, and it never said why the mom did this, but it said it was policy to not share motives. I think some motives should be shared, I'd really like to know what possessed this woman to post a naked pic of her daughter, who's a minor.

Next, video wouldn't load, but in Florida, Jacksonville, a teenager was shot in their car because his music was too loud? Really stupid reason to shoot someone, but obviously in today's society its typical, which is really sad.

Last, but not least, a mother is accused of murder and being investigated when her 3 year old child was found dead in a trash bag at a recycling joint. She needs to be locked up forever.

Society is completely messed up and parents aren't parents and it's only going to get worse.

Bell Ringer! Nov. 29, 2012

President Obama had Romney over for lunch today and I'm glad he did, it shows that he wants his help and opinions with stuff, ya know he does. Hope it went well for them and that they had a good time. It said that they might be releasing a photo of how it wewnt, but the lunch would be held in the dining room with closed doors.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 28, 2012

    Powerball is all the talk and with tonights drawing  millions have already been spent in tickets from many vrious places including the US, District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. The powerball amount is up to an unbelievable 500 million, the highest its ever been...ever! Sales officials are expecting a great increase in customers today as the drawing is tonight. Although the odds of winning the powerball are about 1 in 175 million, many people are still shelling out their 2$ and plus for as many powerball tickets as they can get.

If I won the powerball I would FIRST buy a house, a nice house...a reallly nice house that would sufice for me and a couple others if needed. I would use a lot of it for college expenses and make sure college would be paid for before I even started going. I would buy a car, something nice but practical still and do a lot of traveling. I would buy a few vacation houses and just switch all the time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 27, 2012

Charity people are kind of worrying if this years donations are going to be enough, or even close to all the giving that was done in 2007. 2007 has been the highest giving year ever since the great recession and people are just now beginning to feel more secure in their giving with the election and storm over with. I think this will be a lower giving year in general because of how terrified of tax raises everyone is, which I don't blame them.

Bell Ringer! Nov. 26, 2012

Currently in Germany and Poland and mainly in the UK there are these things called "baby boxes" which are these box compartments that are attached to hospitals kinda how laundry shoots are I guess. When a woman comes along who has an unwanted baby, she can go to a local hospital and drop it in the baby box. The baby box is incubated and and alarm sounds in the hospital two minutes later to signal a baby has been left. Now, some people think this is a good thing, because it gives the woman a chance to give the baby a better life as opposed to just leaving it on the side of the road..or killing it or something. Others think its a bad idea, because its saying to the mother, "Go ahead and just leave your unwanted baby, that's perfectly ok, just run away from the problem and go out and make more." I can't decide who's side I'm on, the boxes are good and bad and I think before they're used in the US the system needs to be worked out more.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 15, 2012

Will Obama cut the budget and keep Congress on his side? That's the main question now with elections over and Obama back in the Oval Office for sure. He's been saying forever that he's going to lower the budget for the nation and what not, but I doubt it. I don't think he's done really anything over the four previous years that he's been in office. He's going to want to incorporate more of his personal views and rules and systems until no one has a say in really anything they do. I don't know if these four years will prove to be any different, but hopefully they are and hopefully things will turn around and we can start getting out of debt!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bell Ringer(s)!! Nov. 14, 2012

Oh the election, and how it was won..makes me very disappointed and pretty disgusted with American society and how blind the majority seems to be. Obama won..and is president..again..heaven help us, but it was a very close race. So Obama had all these factors that were more in his favor than Romney's like gender, age, ethnicity, etc., and because of that his victory was seemingly inevitable. From the time Ohio checked in as being for Obama I have been declaring shenanigans on the entire thing, because I don't think he won fairly and theres proof that multiple states have tried to rig the voting machines. I think the government knew all about it and it was a fixed and unfair race.

Bell Ringer(s)!! Nov. 14, 12

So this pregnant lady ran over her husband with their family SUV..because he didn't vote in the presidential election. Well, in her defense, she is pregnant and that means crazy hormones running rapid through her body. Some ladies handle this better than others, but in this case the lady was not handling it well at all. Her husband is in critical condition at the hospital and I don't know whats going on with her, other than being crazy. Obviously she is very concerned with the future of America, aren't we all, and she wanted everyone to be just as concerned.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 13, 2012

I think being a "prepper" is really strange honestly. I can understand wanting to be prepared, but i mean 700 pounds of flour?? Really? I know he's just concerned with the safety of his family, but that's a big extreme I think. He's convinced that terrorists would love to attach with nuclear weapons, which they probably would, but he also said smallpox would go just as easy. I think he's freaking out a bit too much and it's gotta be miserable, everyday, waiting and thinking about a terrorist attack, that's no life to live, especially when you're a dad and husband and have immediate responsibilities. I'm just sayin' that I would have called it quits after about 10 pounds of flour.