Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bell Ringer! Nov. 26, 2012

Currently in Germany and Poland and mainly in the UK there are these things called "baby boxes" which are these box compartments that are attached to hospitals kinda how laundry shoots are I guess. When a woman comes along who has an unwanted baby, she can go to a local hospital and drop it in the baby box. The baby box is incubated and and alarm sounds in the hospital two minutes later to signal a baby has been left. Now, some people think this is a good thing, because it gives the woman a chance to give the baby a better life as opposed to just leaving it on the side of the road..or killing it or something. Others think its a bad idea, because its saying to the mother, "Go ahead and just leave your unwanted baby, that's perfectly ok, just run away from the problem and go out and make more." I can't decide who's side I'm on, the boxes are good and bad and I think before they're used in the US the system needs to be worked out more.

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