Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 28, 2013 1,2,3 & 4

1.) Teen Driving rates
     The percentage of teen driver moralities has doubled since the first half of 2012. The driver ages have been mostly 16 and 17 year olds being the ones involved in the accidents. If this trend continues into early 2013 we will have a lot more deaths and a much bigger problem with general transportation system. I think it's really a shame that so many young teen lives are being lost due to teen drivers. I don't know it it's their fault or the other person, but regardless, they need to have a better understanding of how a vehicle works before getting behind the wheel.

2.) Guns and Friendship in West Virginia
     Since almost the beginning of West Virginia we have loved having our guns and protecting what's ours. With all the upcoming talk about President Obama's thoughts on tightening up the guns all over the nation, West Virginia is one of the states who are most against this. People here have a sort of bond over their guns and shooting together. It's more than a lifestyle to many people here, having their guns is a way to function and feel a sense of pride in their homes and communities. I think it's a good thing we are so comfortable with having guns and that we are always ready to defend whats ours. In today's world, we can't be afraid to stand up for ourselves no matter what.

3.) Sexting?
     Research has shown that every 1 in 3 teens had admitted to sexting in their lives. This includes send an inappropriate photo or explicit text. This act is very dangerous and can entail serious consequences for teens and can potentially put them in jail. It is an illegal act that they don't seem to take serious enough. I think higher precautions need to be taken to lower this percentage.

4.) Teens suspended over Harlem Shake video
     A handful of high school teens got suspended from school and from the hockey play off game they were supposed to take part in due to an "inappropriate" Harlem Shake video. The project only lasted about 15 second and no one was hurt, but the principal said it was too out of hand and alerted the local police, who were on the scene. This "rave" had the permission by a teacher of the students, who said it would be okay. I don't think the kids should have gotten suspended, because technically, no one was harmed, nor was any property damaged in the process. They were just having fun, it's not like 100 other kids haven't made Harlem Shake videos.

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