Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Would I like jury duty?

     I really think that I would enjoy being called to be a juror for a case. I don't know a whole lot about how all that stuff is done and decided (except from the movies) and I think I'd like being able to be involved and get to witness it all happen. I think I'd like to serve on a petit jury, because then I'd actually get to make a decision about the case. It would be interesting to be involved in something like that, especially when people's families are hoping and praying that your end decision may go in their favor; it's a lot of pressure. I Think any criminal cases would be difficult, because you may not have all the facts, some people may not really have the answers you want and essentially you only know one thing, that this person supposedly committed a crime and of course they'll have a lawyer pleading their case, doing their best. Murder cases may be fun to hear, although it would probably be a touchy subject for some. I think I would just like to be involved and be a part of a decision made, because I know I'd use my best judgment and knowledge, therefore I think I'd feel good about whatever happened.

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