Monday, March 4, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 4, 2013

1.) Taxes and higher income families
Many of the wealthier families in American have been frustrated and been claiming that they are being unfairly taxed. The wealthier, higher income families are as of now, required to pay more taxes in comparison to everyone else. This would make me mad too, but they have the money to pay while middle income families don't always have it there to pay as well as the wealthy could. I think the middle class needs to have the lowest taxes, because they get hit the hardest, and whatever the rate is that deems you "wealthy" needs to be lowered to where more families pay slightly higher taxes too. Taxes are necessary for life to work, but we are too much in debt and keep getting farther and farther, while nothing is being done about it, or at least nothings being done fast enough. It should be common sense, if you're counted as wealthy you pay more, but not so much more to where you wont be OK.

2.) Tax reform debate
The upcoming tax reform debate is quickly approaching and the officials are gathering their thoughts on the subject. As like everything there are two distinct sides to everything. One group encourages a tax reform where the other has questionable concerns. I hope there is a tax reform, but in a good way, I don't want taxes to be raised and federal employees to have cut backs, i think that would hurt more than help; only time will tell

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