Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 9, 2013

A new documentary has come about, focusing on Oceana town in Wyoming, WV, that is entitled "Oxyana." This film focuses on the terrible drug use and abuse in that town and probably WV as a whole. residents of the town have been calling in and making complaints about the film, saying it doesn't accurately represent their town or county, however they don't deny the fact that there is a huge drug problem in that area. I believe that whoever made the film just wanted to stay with the "poor, hillbilly, uneducated, backwoods, Deliverance, Jesco White" stereotypes, so that's probably why he chose West Virginia, trying to exploit us farther than we are. It's not only the southern parts of the state that have a drug problem though, it's pretty much all of WV, why he chose Oceana, I don't know, unless it was because he had already come up with the title "Oxyana" beforehand. My opinion is, if you live here, you know how it REALLY is, and if people want to come in and make us look terrible and unattractive I say let them, because that means they won't come here.

Bell Ringer! May 7, 2013

In recent events, a high school student in Charleston tried to "sue" the high school's principal for threatening to call her college, of which she's already accepted to, and telling them to reconsider her because of some crude comments the girl had made earlier towards a guest speaker. The speaker had been there to talk about birth control type issues and options and the student had then made some crude remarks about her speech and I'm guessing it had offended the principal to the point where he "threatened" to call her college. This case was dismissed in the favor of the principal because there wasn't enough evidence to go against the principal for his "threat." I think this whole case was a waste of time and that the girl was just mad and embarrassed that the principal heard of caught word of the remarks she had made towards the guest speaker, I just think she needs to have more respect for herself and for her school in general.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 2, 2013 Assignment

Obstruction of Justice- (impeding those who seek justice in a court (as by trying to influence or intimidate any juror or witness or officer of the court); can result in a finding of contempt of court)

inaction, and or with-holding information.

React to the following quote. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." --Einstein 

I agree with this quote and do think that the one's who stay quiet are the ones doing the most harm in some ways. It's scary to think that some people could just sit back and let something terrible happen, knowing people's lives are at stake. Bad people are going to be bad people, in most cases they've already made up their minds to do so, so it's left up to the good ones to keep things ok, but however, the good ones happen to be the quiet ones too, which has it's consequences.

Bell Ringer! May 6, 2013

It is in the news now, adding on to the Boston Bombing story drama, that a burial plot for the deceased suspect is becoming extremely hard to find, because no one wants to take him in and give his body a plot. Cemeteries in the surrounding areas have turned the decease's uncle down when asked for a plot. Many people during the actual funeral drove by with chants and harsh words such as, " Don't bury him on U.S. soil", and "just throw him off a boat like Osama Bin Laden." The suspect's uncle now says he will see about one more cemetery, the suspec'ts hometown I believe, before then having to get the state involved. I do believe the uncle and family knows why they have been turned down for a plot, but still, the body has to be buried, that's what we do to the remains of the deceased (in most cases.) the uncle stated that the sin can't be taken away, but does with some cooperation would be given, as he has a dead body that does need a burial plot soon; that's just how it is. I personally don't completely think it's ok for him to be buried on U.S. soil, but then again I think about how "he" is gone and only the body remains, thus he isn't here nor does he have any attachment to his body, so it really doesn't matter now. I think they should send his body back to his country, Russia? or have him cremated, but to be buried on U.S. soil is a little "to nice" in my opinion, although I know it is no man's place to judge another.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 2, 2013

The Boston Bomber is still not off the news, but now some of the attention is being focused on three of his best buddies. These three people actually covered for their friend in hopes he wouldn't get caught. These three guys planted "fake" evidence all over their apartments and pretty much tried to fool the police to keep them off their buddy's trail. they were arrested on the basis of inaction in a crime. So they are in jail because they knew about it and helped with it and didn't tell anyone, so really they're just as bad as the bomber(s). I think his friends should have gotten arrested and I think jail is the right place for them. I don't know how someone could just let that happen even when they know about it and know it's going to kill innocent people.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bell Ringer! April 29, 2013

A high school in Georgia has, for years now, had two separate proms, one for blacks and one for whites. However, a group of four senior girls created a facebook page in order to attempt to fund a prom open for everyone at their school. They were able to get the money and funds they needed in order to through a very successful prom that nearly half of the student body attended. The first integrated prom the high school has ever seen, although I don't believe it was completely accepted by all, because there was an additional prom arranged by the parents for the white students too. I think it was a wonderful idea to get everyone involved, because times have changed and some people just need to accept that fact and get over it already.

Bell Ringer! Apr. 25, 2013

At a middle school in New Jersey, the principal has banned all formal dresses that do not have some form of shoulder straps. She believes the strapless dresses are too "distracting to the boys," and that they may become too "inappropriate while dancing." Many parents are upset on this matter, because their big end of the year mini prom/dance is coming up and many parents have already bought their daughters a dress to wear. I can see why the parents are upset, I would be too, and I don't think strapless dresses should be banned, because that should be up to the parents and the students as to what they want to wear...within reason. I can see banning all see-through dresses or something like that, but not just a strapless dress, come on. I hope the ban gets lifted and that every girl comes to the dance in a strapless dress.