Monday, May 6, 2013

May 2, 2013 Assignment

Obstruction of Justice- (impeding those who seek justice in a court (as by trying to influence or intimidate any juror or witness or officer of the court); can result in a finding of contempt of court)

inaction, and or with-holding information.

React to the following quote. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." --Einstein 

I agree with this quote and do think that the one's who stay quiet are the ones doing the most harm in some ways. It's scary to think that some people could just sit back and let something terrible happen, knowing people's lives are at stake. Bad people are going to be bad people, in most cases they've already made up their minds to do so, so it's left up to the good ones to keep things ok, but however, the good ones happen to be the quiet ones too, which has it's consequences.

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