Monday, May 6, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 6, 2013

It is in the news now, adding on to the Boston Bombing story drama, that a burial plot for the deceased suspect is becoming extremely hard to find, because no one wants to take him in and give his body a plot. Cemeteries in the surrounding areas have turned the decease's uncle down when asked for a plot. Many people during the actual funeral drove by with chants and harsh words such as, " Don't bury him on U.S. soil", and "just throw him off a boat like Osama Bin Laden." The suspect's uncle now says he will see about one more cemetery, the suspec'ts hometown I believe, before then having to get the state involved. I do believe the uncle and family knows why they have been turned down for a plot, but still, the body has to be buried, that's what we do to the remains of the deceased (in most cases.) the uncle stated that the sin can't be taken away, but does with some cooperation would be given, as he has a dead body that does need a burial plot soon; that's just how it is. I personally don't completely think it's ok for him to be buried on U.S. soil, but then again I think about how "he" is gone and only the body remains, thus he isn't here nor does he have any attachment to his body, so it really doesn't matter now. I think they should send his body back to his country, Russia? or have him cremated, but to be buried on U.S. soil is a little "to nice" in my opinion, although I know it is no man's place to judge another.

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