Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 9, 2013

A new documentary has come about, focusing on Oceana town in Wyoming, WV, that is entitled "Oxyana." This film focuses on the terrible drug use and abuse in that town and probably WV as a whole. residents of the town have been calling in and making complaints about the film, saying it doesn't accurately represent their town or county, however they don't deny the fact that there is a huge drug problem in that area. I believe that whoever made the film just wanted to stay with the "poor, hillbilly, uneducated, backwoods, Deliverance, Jesco White" stereotypes, so that's probably why he chose West Virginia, trying to exploit us farther than we are. It's not only the southern parts of the state that have a drug problem though, it's pretty much all of WV, why he chose Oceana, I don't know, unless it was because he had already come up with the title "Oxyana" beforehand. My opinion is, if you live here, you know how it REALLY is, and if people want to come in and make us look terrible and unattractive I say let them, because that means they won't come here.

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