Monday, January 7, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 2, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff:
     This past Tuesday, the talk has been all about the Fiscal Bill that was finally passed thanks to the agreement finally reached thanks to President Obama (the house and senate.) This Fiscal Bill has been built up and has promised to give a break to the middle class, which is what everyone has been anticipating. For years now the middle class has needed and wanting a major tax break and some people were more displeased than others when the results of the bill were reached. The plan is essentially supposed to block tax hikes and delay spending cuts, meaning fewer taxes. What I have come to have read about the fiscal cliff, is that it has raised taxes on the more wealthy people earning at least 400,000 a year. So, their taxes will increase, while nothing really happens to the middle class where everyone actually wanted a tax cut.

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