Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 3, 2013

On a funnier note, recently, a story came about involving a couple who were flying back to their Florida home from a vacation/trip to another house miles away. this couple enjoy to fly and do so in their privately owned helicopter. When the couple come back it only makes sense that they fly over their property in preparations to make their landing. While they were getting ready to land, the woman saw someone walking around their property, looking in windows and acting suspicious. Eventually it was seen that the man actually stole the couple's trailer that was in their yard; he hitched the whole thing to the back of his truck and drove off with the owners 300 ft. above him watching it happen. The cops were informed and they set out to look the man along with the owners coming to look after making their landing. Eventually the truck was found and the man was taken to the county jail. The trailer was rightfully returned to the owners who took it home with all their belongings still in it.

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