Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 31, 3013

currently, the biggest political dispute between the Democratic and Republican parties in guns and gun laws in our country. Republicans have always been pro gun, no matter what tragedies happen, while Democrats believe we should have strict laws on gun control, but really what would that do? If someone wants a gun, good person or bad person, they're going to get one, end of story. It's like illegal drugs, people still get them, they're still all over. They say the government needs to hurry and make some kind of common meeting ground between the two feuding parties, but is there a common ground at all? It's likely that both parties are at extremely different ends of the spectrum; Democrats could want no guns for any one or any household, while Republicans only blame people for crime and not the weapons, therefore, guns for everyone. Is every situation like that? Of course not, but I'd bet there are some really die hard Democrats and Republicans who want to live to see the day either one or the other happens.

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