Monday, January 28, 2013

What happened at the Inauguration

This past Monday was a very special day to some as the President, Barack Obama was sworn in again to officially begin his second term. This memorable event was held in Washington D.C. (of course) and had hundreds of gusts lining up just to witness and be a part of the event. The first Lady, Michelle Obama started things off by appearing in a stunning red gown, which has been all the recent talk on the web. It was posted that the first lady hasn’t wore red to her husband’s inauguration in over 100 years, the color of choice being white. Obama’s big speech has been perceived now as, “moving and truthful” because of how he looked back on what was done in his past term, and made it clear what would be done now. Everything will run together and everything will effects something, meaning what was done last term wasn’t just for nothing, it will continue to build a better America today, which should be any president’s main goal. Beyonce was a main entertainment point, as she performed The Star Spangled Banner. However, there have been rumors that her singing was actually lip syncing instead of actual singing, which i guess is ok as long as it was her own voice. I had also heard that while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the words "under God" were either left completely out or edited by the television station broadcasting the event. From what I've heard and read about it, it was a very moving, yet bittersweet experience to be had, again.

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