Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bell Ringer! Sept. 20, 2012

     After months of spying on his wife, (ex- wife now) Joe Zang is caught and being sued by his ex- wife. Joe, for whatever reason, set up numerous video recordings and microphones in their home and disguised them as wall outlets. Joe admitted he was guilty in actually spying on his wife, and family, but said he did not use any of it negatively. Cathy Zang is suing because she feels it was a huge invasion of her personal privacy in her own home, and the fact that other than the in home recordings, Joe had a temporary GPS put in her car and often got into her e-mail. I agree with Cathy 100%, it is a very big invasion of privacy whether its a husband or a family member or whoever, it doesn't matter; Joe is just crazy and clearly has some issues.

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