Friday, September 28, 2012

Social Awareness Issue

Rt. 1 Box 211-1
Volga, WV 26238
September 27, 2012

Ms. Oprah Winfrey
Chairwoman, CEO and CCO of the Oprah Winfrey Network,
The Oprah Show
Golden Boulevard
Montego CA, 98546

Subject: Human Trafficking Awareness

Dear Ms. Winfrey:

Throughout the following you will realize that I am just a normal face that you may see in the most ordinary places such as, the local super market, a Saturday night movie, or in my place of work trying my best to contribute to a dangerously corrupt society. You will also find that I am not entirely average after all; my past is full of sorrow, secrets, and things that will stay with me in the darkest part of my mind until the day I die. Almost one year ago I was a victim of human trafficking for six months. I have lived through the most unimaginable fear one could ever experience and have now realized just how precious a free life really is.
Human trafficking has the potential to affect anyone, (man, woman or child) at any given time, unfortunately for me I happened to fit the grade perfectly. Last year I was twenty three years old and what they would say, "sure to make a profit." I was out with a good friend of mine at a local Chinese restaurant, one we had been to many times. I don't remember leaving because I never did, my drink had been spiked with "the date rape drug," and I woke up in a warehouse with multiple other women; this entire ungodly operation was kept strictly underground.

From that point on the next six months of my life would be nothing but loneliness, fear and complete power constantly being ruled over me. I was drugged by needle injection once or twice every one to two days, physically abused in beatings when seen as being insubordinate, sexually abused almost daily by forced prostitution, occasionally rented for labor jobs and eventually relocated to a bigger operation in Paris, France. I was bought, sold, or rented to basically anyone who was willing to pay.

Nearing the end of those six months, only by the grace of God, was I given the opportunity to physically escape from the house. I have never experienced a feeling like the one that was pulsating through my body as I was running the broken streets of Paris looking for anyone's help. I eventually found an authority figure who got me in contact with some of the American authorities who had been searching for me thanks to my patient, hopeful, lifesaving family. I was one of the few who made their own second chance.
I come to you with my story in high hopes that you will read over these lines carefully and want to support me in my awareness projects for this merciless disease that thrives on the innocent. I am not ashamed of my experiences, nor am I embarrassed to tell what I went through. I share my story to one day ensure that every person knows that this happens and that it could happen to anyone, a child, a friend, a parent..ANYONE. My past pleas for help have gone unheard, but it is still my goal that one day this plague will be erased from society and that no human being will ever have to live through what I did.


Chloe Marie McVicker


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