Friday, September 28, 2012

Bell Ringer! Sept. 28, 2012

Should College Students Be Allowed to Have Concealed Weapons??


1.) College students are just armatures who are not rained to handle a concealed weapon.

2.) Many college students are immature and take part in risky behaviors such as drug use, partying and alcohol consumption.

3.) The chances of a gun actually saving a life on campus in an emergency situation is extremely slim.

4.) Some students are not mentally stable enough to understand and carry a weapon.

5.) Many students can't handle the responsibility yet.

6.) Half of the students will go to school with their weapon and not be educated on how to use it properly.

7.) Carrying a weapon is dangerous in itself, accidents happen all the time.

8.) If a trained authority professional accidentally injured innocent bystandards, a college student would be ten times worse.

9.) It is allowing students to carry something that can take lives, like what happened at Columbine.

10.) Eventually no one will be able to be trusted.


1.) It is a good form of self protection, especially if youre away from home.

2.) It will allow you to feel more secure and confident when on campus.

3.) You never know what people are going to do, they're crazy.

4.) You could potentially save a life.

5.) Violence occurrs all the time on campus, with a weapon you can protect you and your things/ property.

6.) Banning guns on campus is said to just encourage students to break the rules.

7.) Gun control classes are avaliable for anyone, and you can obtain your liscence.

8.) People need to be protected away from home.

9.) People should be able to protect whats theres in a place where robbery happens a lot.

10.) Guns are for good people who believe in protection and rights.

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