Monday, September 24, 2012

Bell Ringer! Sept. 24, 2012

     It's ridiculous how much Obama has to twist what Romney says in order to try to make himself look good, but that is what politics is in a nutshell. I don't think that Romney was actually "attacking" 47% of people who already have voted for Obama. I think Romney was only stating the facts. Obama starts out with 47% of the vote automatically because those are the people who A: like milking the system, or B: who actually need it, unfortunately, those who milk the system give the ones who need it a bad name and may actually out weigh them. Everyone needs to not get offended so easily. Romneys right, some people are just lazy and don't want to have to work for anything and Obama's campaign is all about keeping and taking care of pretty much everyone who doesn't want to work or be an active part of society.

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