Thursday, September 13, 2012

How America has changed since 9-11

     Now what is eleven years ago, America experienced a life changing tragedy that would forever change it and the people who call it home. On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center in New York, Manhattan was attacked by terrorists, who had hijacked planes under the American Airlines company, and ended up killing hundreds of innocent people. After this great, nation stopping event had happened, America then made many safety and social changes to ensure something like this would never be able to happen again. Air travel, immigration and deportation gates and thoughts about the Islamic people are the big things that changed dramatically in America after that fateful day. It was clear that people would not be the same after experiencing something this.

     Thousands of people use air travel as an easier and faster way of transportation, which means that even after the hijackings and today people seem to love to fly. After the attack airport security changed dramatically in policy, searches and requests for personal information. Today in an airport you could spend hours just getting through security alone, this is because we don't need a repeat of 2001. When flying, they have your information, know exactly who you are, who where you're going and sometimes why, know everything you re bringing with you..the list goes on and on. Everyone getting on a plane today is checked very thoroughly in order to be sure they do 't have weapons, drugs, etc, but also to ensure that you don't have some underlying 'mission.' Security in airlines to me is extremely important because if I'm going to fly I want to be sure that I'm going to get to my destination, not hijacked.

     Immigration and deportation gates have gotten a lot stricter and are controlled a lot more in general. In America we shouldn't be OK with just anyone coming into our country wanting to do who knows what; it's our home. Immigration laws especially have gotten a lot more detailed in knowing a persons background and why they;d like to come to America. Especially today it's really hard to trust people and to protect our people and nation at the same time, therefore, security it the best to ensure the safety of every citizen. Anyone could be a 'potential terrorist' and half of the time we wouldn't know it unless we had and used all the pro cautions we do; I'd rather be safe than sorry. Once something like 9-11 happens, it's really hard for some people to be public let alone try to connect and meet people who are here maybe without permission.

     The most personal thing that has changed I think is the way now in which a lot of Americans view Islamic or Muslim of Middle Eastern people. The attack was made by those kinds of people, so after the attack many hate crimes were committed against these people for just being them. We are now a very diverse nation and were then too, there are Islamic families who live here too and they had it pretty rough for a while. In a way it's stereotyped now that an Islamic or Muslim man is automatically a terrorist, which isn't fair to then at all. A lot of Americans now automatically associate Muslims with being evil terrorists and not all of them are. People started seeing those people in a whole new light after 9-11.

     9-11 will always be remembered as an awful even that has changed America forever. People will always have the scars, sights and thoughts engraved in their minds, especially if a loved one or friend was innocently taken from them. Men, women and even some children were killed in the attack, which further explains why we remember and why we care and why many of us today are changed. In conclusion, America stopped turning on 9-11 and when it started to again it wasn't the same, and probably never will be. It is important we are prepared for this kind of stuff and that we remember what happened so we will hopefully never have to have the experience again.

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