Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 26, 2013

Sleep-texting, has had people confused for a while now, but more and more people have looked into it. Some people have said they've sleep texted, just because it's like another form of sleep walking, but with technology. We are becoming so involved with technology that we even involve it with our sleeping habits. I actually think I've sleep texted before, because I can remember doing one time. Luckily I stopped myself before i sent it, but I had it typed up and everything. i can't remember what it said but I'm glad I didn't send it' it probably wouldn't have made sense.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People who made a difference

Kitara- Martin Luther King Jr.

* August 28, 1963, made his "I have a Dream Speech."
* Growing up was hard for him and other black people alike
* civil rights activist who believed in peaceful retaliation

Lori Knight- Harvey Milk

* Took action for gays to have their rights
* The first openly gay person on the City Commissions
* 1978, he was shot by a stranger

Ashtin Haddix- Albert Einstein

* Born March 15, 1879, I think
* Loved music
*Responsible for the E=mc2 equasion from a theory
* Dropped out of high school

Jessica Delegata- Ghandi

* Had an arranged child birth
* Became famous for his work towards civil rights for India's people
* Preached love and piece
* He was shot

Tyler- Winston Churchill

* Leadership in WWII
* Served as Prime Minister twice
* Refused to surrender to Germany

Natashe Ancel- Harriet Tubman

* Born in Maryland
* Suffered from permanent physical injuries
* Escaped slavery and went to Philidelphia
* Worked as a cook and nurse
* Married twice

Casey Burner- Florence Nightingale

* Born in Florence Italy in 1820
* Younger child of the two of them
* Ministered to the ill and poor people in her neighboring state
* Knew she wanted to be a nurse from a young age
* Created the Red Cross

Stephine Streets- Jane Goodall

* Born on April 3, 1934 in London
* still alive today
* First pet was a cat when she was 47
* Wanted to study chimps
* won over 47 awards
* Went to Oxford University

Ian S- Bill Gates

* Computer programer
* Tic Tak Toe game, first computer program ever
* Dropped out of college
* Invented Windows program
* Makes 250$ a second
* Could spend 7 million a day and not be out of money up to his 90th birthday
* Gives to charities
* Worth 60 billion

Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 25, 2013

The House of Delegates passed the Pro-Gun Bill this past Friday and, I'm guessing, are a bit more relived because of it. This  Pro-Gun Bill basically said that in the case of emergency, guns owned by residents could not be taken away under any circumstances. Within presenting this bill, the Katrina catastrophe was brought up and used as an example. After Katrina, allegedly, firearms were taken from the public, but on the other hand, some said that the "taken" firearms were actually found as being abandoned. Regardless, West Virginia really wants to be on the safe side with having their guns, they always have been. I think that yes, I'd want to have my own personal protection in the event of an emergency, but even without an emergency I'd still want to feel protected in my own home. I think if you want to have a gun that's fine, but I also think restrictions and tighter security on them needs to be put into play.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 22, 2013 2

So, West Virginia is in the top ten most depressing states, I can see it. Like the article read, I do think a lot of the reasoning is due to the lack of resources to treat any form of depression. I'm thinking that even if the resources were more popular, people here wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. I will say that I personally don't see/witness/hear of a lot of people being diagnosed by a doctor depressed, maybe it's more popular in the middle-aged group. Whatever the reasoning, I think it's kind of sad that a lot of people here are depressed, I don't think it's depressing here, at least not physically. If you're looking at it from a more "material" point of view, then yes I'd say it was, because of the lack of jobs, money, etc. Then the other side of me thinks, if you want that stuff, then leave and go get it; it just depends on what you like and are happy with.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 22, 2013 1

Recently, industries from all over, especially those dealing in the meat/farming business, have brought to the attention of the Supreme Court the awful effects of higher-ethanol fuels. Fuels that are being used require a lot to go into them. One man claimed that it was hard on his work, because of lack of corn. I'm guessing the type of fuel he was referring to was made from corn that he sold to the company or business, however, the fuel being made required a lot more corn than he thought. He also claimed that its hard to make feed for the animals without corn, but since its needed for the fuel he gives it. I'm thinking the easy solution to this problem would be to just lower the amount of ethanol that goes in to the fuel. I don't know what it does, I don't know the effects of it, but in order to save some resources, they should make the fuel so it's still getting the job done, but at the same time using the minimum amount of ethanol possible.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 20, 2013

There has been a lot of discussion and arguing over the entire Voting Act, even when it was put into play, certain people were opposed to it. The discrimination still exists today, just maybe not in ways that are as extreme as they were in the 50s and 60s. I think EVERYONE has the right to vote for whatever position they choose to vote for. If you're a citizen, living here, and contributing to everyday society, then It's your right to vote for who you want to run things. It's obvious that back then black people were hated, but since then they've been equal, always have been in my opinion. There are always going to be those groups and those individuals who disagree and probably always will, its sad, but will probably always persist. It could vary from state to state, but the point is that it's not just a problem in one area.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 21, 2013

Recently, in a Michigan Hospital, a very unhappy dad of a new born baby made a request via note attached to a clipboard. The request was that no African American nurse take care of his baby for the time it was in the hospital. The article went on to read that this request was granted, thus supporting an unlawful cause. The nurse that this request was directed to has been reassigned and has an ongoing lawsuit upon the hospital. I can't believe the hospital was okay with this request, that's where things went wrong. I can understand trying to keep the patient happy, but I wouldn't have been to apt to fit his request, it's not fair to the woman trying to do her job. She was employed for 25 years at that hospital and now, out of the blue, got reassigned for something she has no control over. I really think the dad is the one with the problem, not the nurse. I think she's right for opening a lawsuit on the hospital too, but seeing how they handled the request, if I were her, I wouldn't be sure I wanted to work there anymore anyway.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 19, 2013

Giving two years of compulsory service is a good idea at a glance, and I can see why they would be encouraging it, but I can see how a lot of people would be opposed to it. They say that they are wanting to make it mandatory that everyone between the ages of 18 and 25 has to give two years of some sort of service, even outside the military, like being a student, being in the health care field, something of that sort. On the more military side, now being able to partake in the full combat experience is now available to both men and women. There is debate though that unnecessary, constant combat is becoming too much, thus we need to even out the service more among citizens. I think the idea is good, but people will probably fight it once and if it ever became mandatory.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 14, 2013

Birth rates in America are extremely low, and this has officials in a worried uproar about the dropping rate of tax payers that there will be in the future. The cause for the huge drop in birth rates is because of the economy, so they say. Prices are too high to support a child in today's world, so a lot of people think. The generation of Baby Boomers is getting older and older all the time, which means that the rate of the elderly people is rising while babys is lowering. The oldest baby boomers are now going to be 67*.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 13, 2013

The State of the Union Address was given last night at the Capital Building. President Obama gave what he plans to be his yearly agenda on topics such as taxes, jobs, and immigration. An online site showed the public a "word cloud" that shows the top 150 words that Obama used in the State of the Union Address. The bigger the words were in this cloud, the more frequently he used them. The biggest words in the cloud were TAXES, JOBS, and WORK. He was supposed to talk about the main issues of the economy, and how America needs more jobs, the things that supposedly put him back in position.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 12, 2013

Today, in the world, China has been conducting nuclear ammunition testing with aid of Korea underground. These nuclear tests have been conducted before and it was never as big of a threat as it is now. The article read that if need be, in the act of defense, China has a couple back up plans that they were not specific on. These tests have been reported to be a serious threat to the United States because of the risk of a potential attack. I think that as long as these drills are just tests then they should be okay, but I can see where we would want to still be aware of whats happening the entire time. These drills are performed and tested in case of an International Peace crisis of any sort. I see it as they are keeping their guard up and want to be prepared for all events, just as the United States wants to do as well. They can test, we just need to keep an eye on them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 11, 2013

President Obama will soon speak again on Tuesday, about the pressing issues that basically got him back in the White House. He will be focusing on jobs and the economy. The newest thing he says that needs to be done is spending cuts, which is a given, but I think things may get worse for the middle class' I don't think the wealthy is being hit nearly as hard as the mid class. He wants to build up revenue, and I'm all for it, but he didn't agree to cuts of any kind back in 2008, so now in 2013 he can't expect to see that much of a revenue raise due to cuts, but due to the taxes that he has raised on the middle class. He wants to " build up the middle class," so why doesn't he take down the wealthy for a while and give the mid class a break. Gun control will also be a discussed issue Tuesday as there has been many gun oriented crimes recently. Obama says that we need restrictions on guns so no more children will have to lose their lives due to a sens-less act of violence, and he's right, but I can't see him wanting to truly make a compromise to make EVERYONE happy. His last issue of topic will be immigration and why our country needs it. Obama says that immigrants help make up an important part of our economy and that they will help create jobs.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 7, 2013

This article tries to express just how seriously West Virginians take their guns and gun control rights. Recent polls have shown that West Virginia considers itself as a more conservative state now that the 2nd amendment is being potentially put at risk. our state Constitution clearly states that we can and will have guns for various reasons such as, self defense, defense of home or family, hunting and recreational use. It's clear that recently West Virginians have been getting very anxious and worried about their personal 2nd amendment rights being at risk, what with President Obama considering doing away with guns and or tightening up the rules and regulations to physically own a gun. Until something is done and set in stone I think people, especially 2nd amendment loving, conservatives, will be on full lookout to keep their guns in home where they belong.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 6, 2013

Technology is sweeping the nation, especially in schools used for educational purposes. Digital learning day is celebrated on Wednesday, every year and is celebrated for students and teachers who actually use technology in the classroom as a way to learn. Not everyone can use technology in the classroom, because a lot of areas don't have the funding yet for the needed technology. I use technology everyday and I am in a very fortunate school who does make sure to have upgraded technology for the students. It could be a lot worse here, we could have nothing, but soon I think almost every school will have technology in it. I think it's a good thing for students to have and use.