Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 25, 2013

The House of Delegates passed the Pro-Gun Bill this past Friday and, I'm guessing, are a bit more relived because of it. This  Pro-Gun Bill basically said that in the case of emergency, guns owned by residents could not be taken away under any circumstances. Within presenting this bill, the Katrina catastrophe was brought up and used as an example. After Katrina, allegedly, firearms were taken from the public, but on the other hand, some said that the "taken" firearms were actually found as being abandoned. Regardless, West Virginia really wants to be on the safe side with having their guns, they always have been. I think that yes, I'd want to have my own personal protection in the event of an emergency, but even without an emergency I'd still want to feel protected in my own home. I think if you want to have a gun that's fine, but I also think restrictions and tighter security on them needs to be put into play.

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