Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 20, 2013

There has been a lot of discussion and arguing over the entire Voting Act, even when it was put into play, certain people were opposed to it. The discrimination still exists today, just maybe not in ways that are as extreme as they were in the 50s and 60s. I think EVERYONE has the right to vote for whatever position they choose to vote for. If you're a citizen, living here, and contributing to everyday society, then It's your right to vote for who you want to run things. It's obvious that back then black people were hated, but since then they've been equal, always have been in my opinion. There are always going to be those groups and those individuals who disagree and probably always will, its sad, but will probably always persist. It could vary from state to state, but the point is that it's not just a problem in one area.

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