Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 21, 2013

Recently, in a Michigan Hospital, a very unhappy dad of a new born baby made a request via note attached to a clipboard. The request was that no African American nurse take care of his baby for the time it was in the hospital. The article went on to read that this request was granted, thus supporting an unlawful cause. The nurse that this request was directed to has been reassigned and has an ongoing lawsuit upon the hospital. I can't believe the hospital was okay with this request, that's where things went wrong. I can understand trying to keep the patient happy, but I wouldn't have been to apt to fit his request, it's not fair to the woman trying to do her job. She was employed for 25 years at that hospital and now, out of the blue, got reassigned for something she has no control over. I really think the dad is the one with the problem, not the nurse. I think she's right for opening a lawsuit on the hospital too, but seeing how they handled the request, if I were her, I wouldn't be sure I wanted to work there anymore anyway.

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