Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People who made a difference

Kitara- Martin Luther King Jr.

* August 28, 1963, made his "I have a Dream Speech."
* Growing up was hard for him and other black people alike
* civil rights activist who believed in peaceful retaliation

Lori Knight- Harvey Milk

* Took action for gays to have their rights
* The first openly gay person on the City Commissions
* 1978, he was shot by a stranger

Ashtin Haddix- Albert Einstein

* Born March 15, 1879, I think
* Loved music
*Responsible for the E=mc2 equasion from a theory
* Dropped out of high school

Jessica Delegata- Ghandi

* Had an arranged child birth
* Became famous for his work towards civil rights for India's people
* Preached love and piece
* He was shot

Tyler- Winston Churchill

* Leadership in WWII
* Served as Prime Minister twice
* Refused to surrender to Germany

Natashe Ancel- Harriet Tubman

* Born in Maryland
* Suffered from permanent physical injuries
* Escaped slavery and went to Philidelphia
* Worked as a cook and nurse
* Married twice

Casey Burner- Florence Nightingale

* Born in Florence Italy in 1820
* Younger child of the two of them
* Ministered to the ill and poor people in her neighboring state
* Knew she wanted to be a nurse from a young age
* Created the Red Cross

Stephine Streets- Jane Goodall

* Born on April 3, 1934 in London
* still alive today
* First pet was a cat when she was 47
* Wanted to study chimps
* won over 47 awards
* Went to Oxford University

Ian S- Bill Gates

* Computer programer
* Tic Tak Toe game, first computer program ever
* Dropped out of college
* Invented Windows program
* Makes 250$ a second
* Could spend 7 million a day and not be out of money up to his 90th birthday
* Gives to charities
* Worth 60 billion

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