Monday, April 22, 2013

April, 17 Assignment

Of everything I can find on this it's pretty much the same for both citizen and non-citizens if they commit an act of terror on U.S. land. They would be sentenced to life/a long time in a security prison, or maybe even the death penalty, depending on what state the act was comitted in. Things like this are taken very seriously and are dealt with carefully. Terrorist attacks are becoming more and more popular with today's society, therefore ever since 9-11, these kind of things aren't just looked over, and regardless if you're American or not, you will be treated the same with the same consequences, which can sometimes vary from state to state. I think it follows the Constitution just fine, I think the death penalty needs to be followed more strictly, but I understand why it's not.
This particular website did cover the story, but really focussed on what the citizens thought what was happening and getting different reactions to the explosions.
this site gives more of a play by play of what happened that day while the bombs were going off. It gives kind of a detailed "game plan" of what all happened during that time and some comments from the citizens.
This site gives a main point slideshow of the aftermath of the explosions, such as pictures of the chaos in the streets and the victim's physical harm.
This site recalls the events of the day through another slideshow technique and adds a short play by play of all the events that took place.

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