Thursday, April 11, 2013



     This particular cartoon features two separate voting tables each with a covering over the front, side by side. Behind the first table you can see the tops of elephant ears poking out with the actual body of an elephant being visible from about the chest down. The second table shows the body of a donkey with his ears poking out around the edges of the voting cover. these tables are side by side, and in between them are two speech bubbles, one from the elephant and one from the donkey. The bubble from the elephant says "jerk", while the bubble from the donkey says "creep." this cartoon just further amplifies the intensity from both parties (elephant-republican, donkey-democrat) when voting and around election time. Grade A


     This cartoon features a merry-go-round with Obama and another respected man who I don't know who he is, but I'm guessing he's important; he's on an elephant, so he must be important :P. Anyway, they're both riding on the merry-go-round, one on an elephant and the other on a donkey. Obama has a speech bubble that says, " Oh good! I think we're getting closer," while the other Republican guy has this disgusted look on his face, because they're not getting anywhere cause they're going around in circles..because someone can't make a decision. Grade A-


     This cartoon features Mr. Paul Ryan holding papers, probably holing what he believes to be his budget plans. To his left is a speech bubble that reads, "We Republicans, must concentrate on our core values." to his right, the picture is cut and Ryan's skeleton is screen against a black screen in the same position as Ryan is standing on the left side of the photo. The skeleton's ribs/upper lung areas on both sides hold the phrases, "service cuts for the poor," on the left, and "tax cuts for the rich," on the right. I believe this cartoon was meant as an insult to the republican party, by mocking what we believe to be our party's values and what we, so bluntly, focus on. I, however, think that this cartoon can be taken as either an insult, or a compliment depending on how you look at it and if you are happy with such "core values." Grade B


     This cartoon is nothing but true, it features a movie theater (Capitol Hill) and an older couple standing outside of it. The movie theater is advertising an upcoming "movie" entitled The Sequester. the older couple are off to the side and the gentleman says to the lady, "Spielberg and Affleck are facing stiff competition for best drama." this cartoon is true, because we all know the sequester would come through, like it has, and make life miserable for a lot of people including job cuts, salary cuts and ultimately, people could lose their houses and lives pretty much. There already has been a lot of built up drama concerning the sequester, but I think a lot more of it will come in time. Grade A


   This cartoon shows two cliffs with a litle, hanging, wooden bridge connecting them. On one cliff is a donkey in a suit, symbolizing one of Obama's workers, and on the other cliff are two elephants talking to one another. On the bridge., very close to the donkey is Obama with a speech bubble saying, "I'm meeting the Republicans more than half way." While the elephants, clear on the other side of the bridge are saying, " There's more Obama math for you." I think this cartoon is portrayed very well, from a Republican's point of view anyway. Grade A

!!!My personal cartoon can be seen here !!!

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