Monday, April 8, 2013

Bell Ringer! Apr. 8, 2013

Texting while driving is no doubt a seriously, dangerous thing, but rates for it continue to increase as more and more people admit to texting while driving. A survey bu AT&T taken last year concluded that the majority of texters behind the wheel are adults ages 24-35. Teenagers aren't necessarily the bulk of the problem, it's full grown adults who know it's wrong but continue to do so anyway. Texting in general takes your eyes off of the road for 4.6 seconds (the time it takes to drive a football field at 55mph. It's dangerous not only to yourself but also to those around you, I really believe that no text is that important to risk your life for. Even though it is outlawed, people still continue to do it and probably always will, but at least they know the risks right? I personally have never texted while driving and don't plan to, but is it tempting? of course it is. Texting is something I grew up around and have texted for years now on a daily basis, but there are just some things you can't multi-tasking it with, like driving. Texting was made to be more convenient and easier that making a phone call, therefore you can include it in pretty much anything you do, travel, watch TV, read, at school, at work, it's made and included everywhere. Driving shouldn't be a place for it, it's just common sense.

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