Monday, April 22, 2013

Bell ringer! April 18, 2013

1.) Obama went and gave comfort to those effected by the Boston Marathon bombs and their families. I think this was really nice of the president to take time out of his schedule and go to these people to tell them that he is paying attention and that he does care about them and what happened that probably will effect them for the rest of their lives.
2.) Your zip code says more about you than you think. When linked up with a possible facebook or other social media site, your zip code is the golden key to various tell marketers. When you go to check out mostly anywhere now, the cashier will ask for your zip code. This way, you are now in the system and "they" can match you up to who you really are by, media sites, records, etc. and they can try to sell you stuff. Tell marketing companies take turns selling your name and number back and forth in order to make a profit, but how personal is too personal? people are now questioning if the corporations know too much about your personal life; I think they do.
3.)I definitely think there needs to be a better hold on gun control, especially with all the accidents that our country has seen recently. It seems like that because of glitches and mistakes within the system that anyone can go and buy a gun on any day they choose, and I don't think that's a good thing at all. I know it's not perfect and hopefully they're trying to fix this problem to ensure a better more precise system in the near future.

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