Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bill Proposal

Complete Ban on Texting and Driving:

Bill Proposal:


1.      In a recent survey, it was found that adults, ages 24-35, text the most knowing it’s dangerous.

2.      The act of reading a text while driving takes your eyes off the road for approximately 4.6 seconds, the time it takes to drive the length of a football field at 50mph.

3.      The act of texting makes the risk of a crash increase by 23%.

4.      77% of Americans admit to thinking that they can safely drive and text at the same time.

5.      55% of all young adults believe that it is EASY to text and drive at the same time.

6.      It was found that teens who do text and drive spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside of their lane.

7.      48% of young adults, ages 12-17, have admitted to being in the car while the driver was texting.

8.      1 in 5 drivers have, over time, admitted to searching the web while driving.

9.      10 states, as of now, do have an active ban on using a cell phone while driving.

10.  Even reaching for an electronic device increases the risk of a crash by 1.4%.

11.  Texting while driving is harmful to others as well as yourself.

12.  Many people who text and drive don’t understand the danger that they’ve created.

13.  Most of the crashes that happen are a result of the driver being distracted by an electronic device.

14.  No one has anything as important as living to do on a cell phone.

15.  It should be common sense to only drive when you’re driving.

16.  People think it will never happen to them.

17.  Things can change in literally the blink of an eye.

18.  Carelessness should not be put on the road.

19.  People need to set better examples for upcoming drivers.

20.  People need to be more educated on the risks of texting and driving.


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