Friday, April 12, 2013

Bell Ringer! April 12, 2013

This past week, a sheriff was murdered, shot ton death, by a person who was deemed mentally unstable. How did this man get a gun you may ask? well, when he was released from  the mental institution, where he was staying, he went and bought a glock. So the question is, why did the gun seller sell him this weapon when it's the gun sellers responsibility to do a system background check on all customers before selling them a firearm. Clearly, there was a fault in the system. There was a glitch or something wrong with the system, because clearly this crazy man should have been in it, but he wasn't yet registered in it. With this happening, I think we need a completely new system where everything is tighter and EVERYONE is entered that has a mental disability from birth, regardless if you're in an institution or not.

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