Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 25, 2012

Alright, so now with the election still going but in the last stretch of it, Obama is playing the trust card against Romney. He's trying to make it seem like he really cares about trust and honesty when he's the one who has proven to be dishonest and untrustworthy for the past four years! Obama, like I've said is really sweating the election and wants to do anything he can to try to move up in the polls...hes taking a lot of cheap shots in hopes to sway the voters away from Romney. As a future voter, theres nothing Obama can do now to sway me, because unlike Romney, he has a four year record of not holding up his side of the deal.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 24, 2012

Alright so now Obama is starting to sweat a little and is finally realizing that yes, he just might lose...what a, with only a couple weeks left of the campaign he wants to sound all wonderful for the people and...nicely....asking for money, a donation..the president shouldn't be asking the people for money in such a way he is. If you donate 5$ to the Obama campaign you are automatically entered in a raffle that on election night, will allow you to be apart of the whole shebang in Chicago...with! free room and board and transportation from him...sounds pretty low.hes just worrying now that people will actually see how he is..nothing new

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 23, 2012

So the DMV wants to spend all this money and hire all these people to make way for the REAL federal ID thing they're trying to put into action. the extra costs will average to be about 1.4 million and I don't think it's necessary, especially from a DMV. The DMV is not the place t have a federal ID made and handled, its a place for your car and driving and what not. They tried to get me to sign up for the federal ID thing and the woman couldn't even tell me what it was really, so I don't think it's necessary. they can try a new thing that won't cost us 1.4 million on top of all the other money we all owe.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 22, 2012

Gambling? Do you have a problem? Is the Greenbrier casino getting played? People have started gambling at the casino without staying over night; they are getting there via day bus tours. The head management is claiming that the Greenbrier is now losing money overall because people aren't staying the night and paying a bigger amount  that they probably are when they gamble the day away. People now saying that the Greenbrier casino is getting played because of the lack of or not meeting potential profit it being taken advantage of. Should day buses be able to run? I think day tour buses should be able to run, but you shouldn't be able to play in the casino unless you are staying at the hotel.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 19, 2012

Obama was on the Daily Show talking about the debates and a clip about his progress was shown. Jon showed two pictures of Obama and Michelle. The first picture was of Obama and Michelle standing far apart looking disappointed while the second one was of Michelle dressed in pink with her arms open getting ready to give Obama a hug. Obama said that the first debate didn't go quite as planned and that the issues will continue to be fixed in the next debate. I thought it was pretty funny that both Michelle ans Anne both wore pink at the second debate.

Bell Ringer! Oct. 18, 2012

Obama and Romney, the five things that we learned from Thursday's debate. Romney, basically doesn't know what hes talking about and Obama just talks and talks and never syas anything. I can't wait til the last debate so this can all be over with and I can go vote! I enjoy watching the debates and think they're very important to have, but no debate is going to change my mind in November, because of how the last four years have been with Obama; it's time for a change. It's obvious that Obama won the most recent debate, but theres still one more.

10 Video Clips

1.) Kennedy vs. Nixon:
     this debate is probably one of the most memorable in history. Alomst everyone could be able to tell you something about the Kennedy Nixon debate and election. During this debate, I agree a lot with the people who say that Kennedy only did better because he looked better. When this debate was heard on the radio, both candidates seemed to have done an equal job as far as getting the issues accross and speaking about what they hope to do as president, but if you were watching this ebate, it's obvious that Nixon wasn't looking his best, nor did he feel completely up to par. I do think that Kennedy got a lot of votes from women, mainly because of he looked and more importantly how he looked compared to Nixon.

2.) Ford vs. Carter:
     During this memorable debate, Ford was asked a question about Russian domination on Eastern Europe to which he answered in a confusing way. Many people felt that his answer did not add up in means of being clear and concise with correct information. Their minds were easily changed after hearing his response and they were convinced that he did not have knowledge of what was truly happening over seas, specifically in the Eastern sections or Europe.

3.) Reagan vs. Carter:
     As many could say Carter was "bashing" Reagan for something had had gone sour in the past, it served as a point where Carted wanted to point fingers in order to try to put blame on Reagan. This is a tactic that is very much used today and is effective. We can see that Reagan however shook off Carters words by making it humerous and pointing out that thats what Carter was attacking him about over and over as if to say that he has nothing else to be upset with or concerned about.

4.) Reagan vs. Carter:
     Reagan had a beautiful and meaningful ending in this debate when he stated to the people, when you vote, as yourself if youre better off now than you were four years ago. To many people this was a no brainer that yes in fact Reagan had made it a lot better for people in those four years. When in a debate its eat or be eaten, you have to say anything that will get you the votes and I think Reagan was very smart in saying what he did; it got everyone thinking.

5.) Mondale vs. Reagan
     I enjoyed watching this clip as it really showed Reagan's humorous side. When asked if he thought he had what it takes to be able to go days on end with no sleep during some sort of potential national crisis he answered very confidently that his age would not be an issue. He then cracked a joke on his opponent saying he would not exploit the youth and inexperience of his opponent. By saying this he wanted to make it perfectly clear that his age had nothing to do with how he'd run the country.

6.) Dukakis vs. George H.W. Bush

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 16, 2012 (2)

Electoral votes is the topic today and as of right now, Obama is in the lead with 201, 270 are needed to win. Many people are saying that Obama has this election in the bag while others are convinced that it will be neck and neck the whole way, as I do. The great state of Ohio is the tossup state as of right now, meaning it does not have a clear candidate in which it will mainly support up to election time. I think that these candidates need to come to WV, even though they probably wont since WV only has 5 electoral votes, but still that's five more than you had before you came maybe. Right now Romney happens to be in the lead in the poll statistics. This election can go anywhere from Obama again to Romney bringing in new ideas and plans.

Bell Ringer! Oct. 16, 2012 (1)

With the election coming up soon, many people are getting involved in the two candidates and trying to make up their minds. The news is now saying that both the men are millionaires. . .what a surprise. Of course both Obama and Romney are millionaires, why else would they be running for president. I think one way most people are deciding is by looking at the past four years and questioning if they want the same thing again,or think things will change, or if they'd like to try something completely different. Many people are saying that the election gives us choices, or is supposed to, so they are seeing the similarities between the two running candidates. I am pro- Romney, mainly because of how the past four years have been. Obama says he needs four more years to make stuff happen, but I don't think he deserves four more years if he hasn't done anything with the first four.

Bell Ringer! Oct. 15, 2012

No child left behind is was an organization put into the public school system by Bush that was used to help better education and raise scores. It set a kind of rank in schools to not leave a student "behind", meaning you work with the child to make sure they aren't left behind in the curricular world. Obama, I think, in recent years has done away with the no child left behind policy, therefore having schools incorporate their "old" ways to help the kids that need more attention. Recently, more and more students are making known their opinion on how they want an education revolution, which may include bringing back some of the things that no child left behind incorporated. I thought the idea of no child left behind was good, but I'm not so sure how successful and beneficial it was to the kids who needed it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 12, 2012

The vice Presidential debate is what everyone is talking about and unfortunately i did not watch it. I've heard a lot about it and read about it though. I've heard everything from Vice President Biden won to it was a neck and neck draw; it's hard to decide what to believe. I do however think that both the Vice President and Ryan did a fantastic job when it came to making their candidate proud; I believe both were satisfied with the results. it has been said a lot that Ryan interrupted Biden a lot, but who's to say Biden never interrupted Ryan..I think you should do whatever it takes to get your point across, it shows how serious and passionate about it you are. I'm going to think that it was a pretty close draw.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 11, 2012

I don't think that the house or Supreme Court focuses on race as a big issue right now, however I do see it a lot in today's society. Many can say that they do judge and that they are racist, and to a point, they are. Its sad that these things still have to be an issue even today in 2012. We're just not ready for a lot of the things that have already happened.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bell Ringer Oct. 10, 2012

I think its ridiculous that the Obama campaign is making such a big deal about the Sesame Street thing. When Mitt mentioned it in the debate, it was used in the context for an example of how he would do things and where he would make some money cuts. I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal about it. Money cuts have to come from somewhere Big Bird or not. If the democratic party wants to keep bashing Mitt on this issue, as if they couldn't have found a better more important one, then that's their decision. Big Bird is the least of our worries and anyone who would be willing to potentially put the economy second to a TV show has some priority issues.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 9, 2012

Recently, a company went through a big case about what information can and can't be put on social networks by the company's workers. There are set rules that the employees have to follow, meaning they can't put something negative about their place of work and expect everything to be OK. I can see why people would be upset at this, because it is a free country and yes you should be able to post whatever you want, but not when it effects a lot of people in a negative way.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 8, 2012

     Jet Blue giving away round trip tickets out of the country..yeah its true. I guess its a good marketing campaign, but it's kind of out of the ordinary. If you wake up on November 7th on the losing side of the election, supposedly, you will be able to completely leave the country for a while and come back if you want. I guess this will make the company better known, but they wont be making a profit because they are giving these tickets away. Doing this is a good idea though.. a lot of people say they're leaving the country if so and so wins, so lets see what they do.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 4, 2012

Debate report- CNN

     The CNN report basically said that Romney was the clear winner and that he showed the best traits within most of the subjects discussed. They talked a lot about how body language played a big part, especially in the first debate, where they said Romney seemed more at ease and engaged in conversation, while Obama would not look at Romney, nor keep his head up a lot of the time while listening. They said Romney appeared more confident being on stage and that since Romney had participated in nearly 20 prior debates within the states he was a lot better delivering tone and energy. Obama, however, was described as being detached from the audience and the conversation topics. Because Obama ha not been in a debate in four years, it showed on stage with Romney. The debate has really "changed the game", and improved the campaign support for Romney, who's supporters were ever worried about him before the debate, but were proven wrong by the end and convinced that Romney could indeed hold his own with the president.

Debate report- FOX

     The more commonly known as republican news base also did a cover of the debate and of course glorified Romney as being the obvious winner all around. They hit on a lot of the same points as CNN did saying things like his energy was great and more lively that Obamas, his connection with the audience was dead on, and that he could definitely stand up against the president and give him a run for his money. Many people now are expecting a big change in the race to take place thanks to Romney's big win in the first debate.

*Venn diagram separate*

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bell Ringer(S)! Oct. 3, 2012

Link 1- Pa Voter ID:

It is now being said that in states like Pa, it is becoming necessary that if you want to vote in election time you must have a photo ID present. It is being made to have a photo ID for better proof of who you are. A voters card is not all you need anymore in Pennsylvania. Maybe this will become more common throughout the US as time goes on, but for right now I don't think they should make it permanent because its never had to be this way, it will prove to be better or worse.

Link 2- Names telling what party:

Clues in your name are being said to have a big effect on what political party you're for, says Chris Wilson, reporter. Multiple numbers of clues in your name tell your party, what group of people you support, possible the amount estimate of money you donate, etc. My name, however, was not anywhere near that list, so I had to go with my middle name, Marie, and it said that name was more affiliated with the democratic party. I'm not sure if I believe the name thing, but I do believe that the way you're raised has a great affect on your political choices.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 2, 2012

With the election coming up quickly, word is traveling that Romney's Supreme Court (if he is elected) Will be one completely different from our current one. He is wanting to replace people, do away with Obama's Obamacare reform and  start improving the society he so desperately wants to help. His plans will focus more on people as individuals incorporating more responsibility on all the social classes. The Supreme Court should first want to uphold all that the Constitution stands for, no matter who is in office. It's hard to say, especially at this point, who will win, but whoever ends up in office needs to know what they're doing.

Social awareness Issue: Bill

Chloe McVicker
7th Pd.

                Senate Bill 19673- Recycling


SUMMARY: In order to help the economy within the states with spending costs on consumer products, recycling will be/ should be incorporated into the public's everyday life; more so than it already is. In order to increase the recycling percentages throughout the nation, recycling bins should be placed at at least one corner of EVERY store, shopping plaza, restaurant, rest stops, etc. Anywhere that public activity is very high there should be the option to recycle trash. On many accounts I have heard the excuse, "I would recycle more if it was more convenient for me." In making sure that there is a recycling bin literally around almost every corner throughout all public areas, recycling percentages will increase, thus resulting in what we hope to be a decrease in manufacturing costs for more consumer products (bottled water, soda, etc.). As of right now an estimated 40% to 50% of Americans recycle, that's only half. In putting this bill into action, I am estimating a recycling increase of 37% to 40% withing the next twelve months. In order to make this happen, we will be requesting an average 5% of every one's taxes every two years. The money joined from every one's taxes will get the recycling facilities and keep them updated and taken care of in general. Doing this will definitely pay off in the following years and prove to be a major improvement to us all.

LEAD SPONSOR: Chloe McVicker


STATUS: Pending

SUBJECT(S): Environmental Improvement

     Introduced in Senate

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct.1, 2012

It would seem as though the TSA has been slipping in our American airports (New Orleans and Newark). Reportedly, so far the TSA has now let two loaded handguns through security and searches and on to their planes. Maybe security isn't as strict as we thought it was. It is illegal to have any kind of weapon go on to an airline of any kind, but every now and then something slips. One enraged congressman stated that "hundreds" of prohibited items get through screen security daily. I think that they need to be more accurate with knowing what does and does not go on to an airplane. It's unsettling to everyone and you never know what someone may do.