Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Social awareness Issue: Bill

Chloe McVicker
7th Pd.

                Senate Bill 19673- Recycling


SUMMARY: In order to help the economy within the states with spending costs on consumer products, recycling will be/ should be incorporated into the public's everyday life; more so than it already is. In order to increase the recycling percentages throughout the nation, recycling bins should be placed at at least one corner of EVERY store, shopping plaza, restaurant, rest stops, etc. Anywhere that public activity is very high there should be the option to recycle trash. On many accounts I have heard the excuse, "I would recycle more if it was more convenient for me." In making sure that there is a recycling bin literally around almost every corner throughout all public areas, recycling percentages will increase, thus resulting in what we hope to be a decrease in manufacturing costs for more consumer products (bottled water, soda, etc.). As of right now an estimated 40% to 50% of Americans recycle, that's only half. In putting this bill into action, I am estimating a recycling increase of 37% to 40% withing the next twelve months. In order to make this happen, we will be requesting an average 5% of every one's taxes every two years. The money joined from every one's taxes will get the recycling facilities and keep them updated and taken care of in general. Doing this will definitely pay off in the following years and prove to be a major improvement to us all.

LEAD SPONSOR: Chloe McVicker


STATUS: Pending

SUBJECT(S): Environmental Improvement

     Introduced in Senate

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