Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 4, 2012

Debate report- CNN

     The CNN report basically said that Romney was the clear winner and that he showed the best traits within most of the subjects discussed. They talked a lot about how body language played a big part, especially in the first debate, where they said Romney seemed more at ease and engaged in conversation, while Obama would not look at Romney, nor keep his head up a lot of the time while listening. They said Romney appeared more confident being on stage and that since Romney had participated in nearly 20 prior debates within the states he was a lot better delivering tone and energy. Obama, however, was described as being detached from the audience and the conversation topics. Because Obama ha not been in a debate in four years, it showed on stage with Romney. The debate has really "changed the game", and improved the campaign support for Romney, who's supporters were ever worried about him before the debate, but were proven wrong by the end and convinced that Romney could indeed hold his own with the president.

Debate report- FOX

     The more commonly known as republican news base also did a cover of the debate and of course glorified Romney as being the obvious winner all around. They hit on a lot of the same points as CNN did saying things like his energy was great and more lively that Obamas, his connection with the audience was dead on, and that he could definitely stand up against the president and give him a run for his money. Many people now are expecting a big change in the race to take place thanks to Romney's big win in the first debate.

*Venn diagram separate*

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