Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bell Ringer! Oct. 16, 2012 (1)

With the election coming up soon, many people are getting involved in the two candidates and trying to make up their minds. The news is now saying that both the men are millionaires. . .what a surprise. Of course both Obama and Romney are millionaires, why else would they be running for president. I think one way most people are deciding is by looking at the past four years and questioning if they want the same thing again,or think things will change, or if they'd like to try something completely different. Many people are saying that the election gives us choices, or is supposed to, so they are seeing the similarities between the two running candidates. I am pro- Romney, mainly because of how the past four years have been. Obama says he needs four more years to make stuff happen, but I don't think he deserves four more years if he hasn't done anything with the first four.

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