Friday, October 19, 2012

10 Video Clips

1.) Kennedy vs. Nixon:
     this debate is probably one of the most memorable in history. Alomst everyone could be able to tell you something about the Kennedy Nixon debate and election. During this debate, I agree a lot with the people who say that Kennedy only did better because he looked better. When this debate was heard on the radio, both candidates seemed to have done an equal job as far as getting the issues accross and speaking about what they hope to do as president, but if you were watching this ebate, it's obvious that Nixon wasn't looking his best, nor did he feel completely up to par. I do think that Kennedy got a lot of votes from women, mainly because of he looked and more importantly how he looked compared to Nixon.

2.) Ford vs. Carter:
     During this memorable debate, Ford was asked a question about Russian domination on Eastern Europe to which he answered in a confusing way. Many people felt that his answer did not add up in means of being clear and concise with correct information. Their minds were easily changed after hearing his response and they were convinced that he did not have knowledge of what was truly happening over seas, specifically in the Eastern sections or Europe.

3.) Reagan vs. Carter:
     As many could say Carter was "bashing" Reagan for something had had gone sour in the past, it served as a point where Carted wanted to point fingers in order to try to put blame on Reagan. This is a tactic that is very much used today and is effective. We can see that Reagan however shook off Carters words by making it humerous and pointing out that thats what Carter was attacking him about over and over as if to say that he has nothing else to be upset with or concerned about.

4.) Reagan vs. Carter:
     Reagan had a beautiful and meaningful ending in this debate when he stated to the people, when you vote, as yourself if youre better off now than you were four years ago. To many people this was a no brainer that yes in fact Reagan had made it a lot better for people in those four years. When in a debate its eat or be eaten, you have to say anything that will get you the votes and I think Reagan was very smart in saying what he did; it got everyone thinking.

5.) Mondale vs. Reagan
     I enjoyed watching this clip as it really showed Reagan's humorous side. When asked if he thought he had what it takes to be able to go days on end with no sleep during some sort of potential national crisis he answered very confidently that his age would not be an issue. He then cracked a joke on his opponent saying he would not exploit the youth and inexperience of his opponent. By saying this he wanted to make it perfectly clear that his age had nothing to do with how he'd run the country.

6.) Dukakis vs. George H.W. Bush

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