Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 9, 2013

A new documentary has come about, focusing on Oceana town in Wyoming, WV, that is entitled "Oxyana." This film focuses on the terrible drug use and abuse in that town and probably WV as a whole. residents of the town have been calling in and making complaints about the film, saying it doesn't accurately represent their town or county, however they don't deny the fact that there is a huge drug problem in that area. I believe that whoever made the film just wanted to stay with the "poor, hillbilly, uneducated, backwoods, Deliverance, Jesco White" stereotypes, so that's probably why he chose West Virginia, trying to exploit us farther than we are. It's not only the southern parts of the state that have a drug problem though, it's pretty much all of WV, why he chose Oceana, I don't know, unless it was because he had already come up with the title "Oxyana" beforehand. My opinion is, if you live here, you know how it REALLY is, and if people want to come in and make us look terrible and unattractive I say let them, because that means they won't come here.

Bell Ringer! May 7, 2013

In recent events, a high school student in Charleston tried to "sue" the high school's principal for threatening to call her college, of which she's already accepted to, and telling them to reconsider her because of some crude comments the girl had made earlier towards a guest speaker. The speaker had been there to talk about birth control type issues and options and the student had then made some crude remarks about her speech and I'm guessing it had offended the principal to the point where he "threatened" to call her college. This case was dismissed in the favor of the principal because there wasn't enough evidence to go against the principal for his "threat." I think this whole case was a waste of time and that the girl was just mad and embarrassed that the principal heard of caught word of the remarks she had made towards the guest speaker, I just think she needs to have more respect for herself and for her school in general.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 2, 2013 Assignment

Obstruction of Justice- (impeding those who seek justice in a court (as by trying to influence or intimidate any juror or witness or officer of the court); can result in a finding of contempt of court)

inaction, and or with-holding information.

React to the following quote. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." --Einstein 

I agree with this quote and do think that the one's who stay quiet are the ones doing the most harm in some ways. It's scary to think that some people could just sit back and let something terrible happen, knowing people's lives are at stake. Bad people are going to be bad people, in most cases they've already made up their minds to do so, so it's left up to the good ones to keep things ok, but however, the good ones happen to be the quiet ones too, which has it's consequences.

Bell Ringer! May 6, 2013

It is in the news now, adding on to the Boston Bombing story drama, that a burial plot for the deceased suspect is becoming extremely hard to find, because no one wants to take him in and give his body a plot. Cemeteries in the surrounding areas have turned the decease's uncle down when asked for a plot. Many people during the actual funeral drove by with chants and harsh words such as, " Don't bury him on U.S. soil", and "just throw him off a boat like Osama Bin Laden." The suspect's uncle now says he will see about one more cemetery, the suspec'ts hometown I believe, before then having to get the state involved. I do believe the uncle and family knows why they have been turned down for a plot, but still, the body has to be buried, that's what we do to the remains of the deceased (in most cases.) the uncle stated that the sin can't be taken away, but does with some cooperation would be given, as he has a dead body that does need a burial plot soon; that's just how it is. I personally don't completely think it's ok for him to be buried on U.S. soil, but then again I think about how "he" is gone and only the body remains, thus he isn't here nor does he have any attachment to his body, so it really doesn't matter now. I think they should send his body back to his country, Russia? or have him cremated, but to be buried on U.S. soil is a little "to nice" in my opinion, although I know it is no man's place to judge another.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bell Ringer! May 2, 2013

The Boston Bomber is still not off the news, but now some of the attention is being focused on three of his best buddies. These three people actually covered for their friend in hopes he wouldn't get caught. These three guys planted "fake" evidence all over their apartments and pretty much tried to fool the police to keep them off their buddy's trail. they were arrested on the basis of inaction in a crime. So they are in jail because they knew about it and helped with it and didn't tell anyone, so really they're just as bad as the bomber(s). I think his friends should have gotten arrested and I think jail is the right place for them. I don't know how someone could just let that happen even when they know about it and know it's going to kill innocent people.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bell Ringer! April 29, 2013

A high school in Georgia has, for years now, had two separate proms, one for blacks and one for whites. However, a group of four senior girls created a facebook page in order to attempt to fund a prom open for everyone at their school. They were able to get the money and funds they needed in order to through a very successful prom that nearly half of the student body attended. The first integrated prom the high school has ever seen, although I don't believe it was completely accepted by all, because there was an additional prom arranged by the parents for the white students too. I think it was a wonderful idea to get everyone involved, because times have changed and some people just need to accept that fact and get over it already.

Bell Ringer! Apr. 25, 2013

At a middle school in New Jersey, the principal has banned all formal dresses that do not have some form of shoulder straps. She believes the strapless dresses are too "distracting to the boys," and that they may become too "inappropriate while dancing." Many parents are upset on this matter, because their big end of the year mini prom/dance is coming up and many parents have already bought their daughters a dress to wear. I can see why the parents are upset, I would be too, and I don't think strapless dresses should be banned, because that should be up to the parents and the students as to what they want to wear...within reason. I can see banning all see-through dresses or something like that, but not just a strapless dress, come on. I hope the ban gets lifted and that every girl comes to the dance in a strapless dress.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bell ringer! April 18, 2013

1.) Obama went and gave comfort to those effected by the Boston Marathon bombs and their families. I think this was really nice of the president to take time out of his schedule and go to these people to tell them that he is paying attention and that he does care about them and what happened that probably will effect them for the rest of their lives.
2.) Your zip code says more about you than you think. When linked up with a possible facebook or other social media site, your zip code is the golden key to various tell marketers. When you go to check out mostly anywhere now, the cashier will ask for your zip code. This way, you are now in the system and "they" can match you up to who you really are by, media sites, records, etc. and they can try to sell you stuff. Tell marketing companies take turns selling your name and number back and forth in order to make a profit, but how personal is too personal? people are now questioning if the corporations know too much about your personal life; I think they do.
3.)I definitely think there needs to be a better hold on gun control, especially with all the accidents that our country has seen recently. It seems like that because of glitches and mistakes within the system that anyone can go and buy a gun on any day they choose, and I don't think that's a good thing at all. I know it's not perfect and hopefully they're trying to fix this problem to ensure a better more precise system in the near future.

April, 17 Assignment

Of everything I can find on this it's pretty much the same for both citizen and non-citizens if they commit an act of terror on U.S. land. They would be sentenced to life/a long time in a security prison, or maybe even the death penalty, depending on what state the act was comitted in. Things like this are taken very seriously and are dealt with carefully. Terrorist attacks are becoming more and more popular with today's society, therefore ever since 9-11, these kind of things aren't just looked over, and regardless if you're American or not, you will be treated the same with the same consequences, which can sometimes vary from state to state. I think it follows the Constitution just fine, I think the death penalty needs to be followed more strictly, but I understand why it's not.
This particular website did cover the story, but really focussed on what the citizens thought what was happening and getting different reactions to the explosions.
this site gives more of a play by play of what happened that day while the bombs were going off. It gives kind of a detailed "game plan" of what all happened during that time and some comments from the citizens.
This site gives a main point slideshow of the aftermath of the explosions, such as pictures of the chaos in the streets and the victim's physical harm.
This site recalls the events of the day through another slideshow technique and adds a short play by play of all the events that took place.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bell Ringer! Apr. 16, 2013

These past couple days have been unbearable for Boston, as a terrorist attack struck the city and the country. Home made pressure-cooker bombs were planted all along the Boston Marathon route, a route which many people a year come to race on. We don't know  yet if the attack was domestic or international, but police and investigators are on the case. the bombs have killed three people and have left 170 injured. I think this was a domestic attack, because if foreigners were going to try to do this internationally then they would have done it a lot bigger i think. It's a shame this had to happen, and even worse they don't yet know who's responsible, but what's for sure is that those three people will be missed and that this incident will not yet be forgotten for a while.

Bell Ringer! Apr. 15, 2013

The high court is currently deciding on just what to do with the entire gun situation. Now, apart from it just being a big deal about having guns in general, it's not the concern as to whether they can be carried outside or away from the home. I don't know how the court will react to this, because there are people out there who will be deeply upset if this is put into action. people from all over have their gun licence and do carry it with them, if not on them then at least in their cars. I kind of think it's be ok to put this in motion, however, it may also serve as a danger too' not being armed when you may need to be in public. People will be unhappy with this decision if it is put into action, but I think things would be worse if guns were outlawed everywhere at all times.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bell Ringer! April 12, 2013

This past week, a sheriff was murdered, shot ton death, by a person who was deemed mentally unstable. How did this man get a gun you may ask? well, when he was released from  the mental institution, where he was staying, he went and bought a glock. So the question is, why did the gun seller sell him this weapon when it's the gun sellers responsibility to do a system background check on all customers before selling them a firearm. Clearly, there was a fault in the system. There was a glitch or something wrong with the system, because clearly this crazy man should have been in it, but he wasn't yet registered in it. With this happening, I think we need a completely new system where everything is tighter and EVERYONE is entered that has a mental disability from birth, regardless if you're in an institution or not.

Thursday, April 11, 2013



     This particular cartoon features two separate voting tables each with a covering over the front, side by side. Behind the first table you can see the tops of elephant ears poking out with the actual body of an elephant being visible from about the chest down. The second table shows the body of a donkey with his ears poking out around the edges of the voting cover. these tables are side by side, and in between them are two speech bubbles, one from the elephant and one from the donkey. The bubble from the elephant says "jerk", while the bubble from the donkey says "creep." this cartoon just further amplifies the intensity from both parties (elephant-republican, donkey-democrat) when voting and around election time. Grade A


     This cartoon features a merry-go-round with Obama and another respected man who I don't know who he is, but I'm guessing he's important; he's on an elephant, so he must be important :P. Anyway, they're both riding on the merry-go-round, one on an elephant and the other on a donkey. Obama has a speech bubble that says, " Oh good! I think we're getting closer," while the other Republican guy has this disgusted look on his face, because they're not getting anywhere cause they're going around in circles..because someone can't make a decision. Grade A-


     This cartoon features Mr. Paul Ryan holding papers, probably holing what he believes to be his budget plans. To his left is a speech bubble that reads, "We Republicans, must concentrate on our core values." to his right, the picture is cut and Ryan's skeleton is screen against a black screen in the same position as Ryan is standing on the left side of the photo. The skeleton's ribs/upper lung areas on both sides hold the phrases, "service cuts for the poor," on the left, and "tax cuts for the rich," on the right. I believe this cartoon was meant as an insult to the republican party, by mocking what we believe to be our party's values and what we, so bluntly, focus on. I, however, think that this cartoon can be taken as either an insult, or a compliment depending on how you look at it and if you are happy with such "core values." Grade B


     This cartoon is nothing but true, it features a movie theater (Capitol Hill) and an older couple standing outside of it. The movie theater is advertising an upcoming "movie" entitled The Sequester. the older couple are off to the side and the gentleman says to the lady, "Spielberg and Affleck are facing stiff competition for best drama." this cartoon is true, because we all know the sequester would come through, like it has, and make life miserable for a lot of people including job cuts, salary cuts and ultimately, people could lose their houses and lives pretty much. There already has been a lot of built up drama concerning the sequester, but I think a lot more of it will come in time. Grade A


   This cartoon shows two cliffs with a litle, hanging, wooden bridge connecting them. On one cliff is a donkey in a suit, symbolizing one of Obama's workers, and on the other cliff are two elephants talking to one another. On the bridge., very close to the donkey is Obama with a speech bubble saying, "I'm meeting the Republicans more than half way." While the elephants, clear on the other side of the bridge are saying, " There's more Obama math for you." I think this cartoon is portrayed very well, from a Republican's point of view anyway. Grade A

!!!My personal cartoon can be seen here !!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bill Proposal

Complete Ban on Texting and Driving:

Bill Proposal:


1.      In a recent survey, it was found that adults, ages 24-35, text the most knowing it’s dangerous.

2.      The act of reading a text while driving takes your eyes off the road for approximately 4.6 seconds, the time it takes to drive the length of a football field at 50mph.

3.      The act of texting makes the risk of a crash increase by 23%.

4.      77% of Americans admit to thinking that they can safely drive and text at the same time.

5.      55% of all young adults believe that it is EASY to text and drive at the same time.

6.      It was found that teens who do text and drive spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside of their lane.

7.      48% of young adults, ages 12-17, have admitted to being in the car while the driver was texting.

8.      1 in 5 drivers have, over time, admitted to searching the web while driving.

9.      10 states, as of now, do have an active ban on using a cell phone while driving.

10.  Even reaching for an electronic device increases the risk of a crash by 1.4%.

11.  Texting while driving is harmful to others as well as yourself.

12.  Many people who text and drive don’t understand the danger that they’ve created.

13.  Most of the crashes that happen are a result of the driver being distracted by an electronic device.

14.  No one has anything as important as living to do on a cell phone.

15.  It should be common sense to only drive when you’re driving.

16.  People think it will never happen to them.

17.  Things can change in literally the blink of an eye.

18.  Carelessness should not be put on the road.

19.  People need to set better examples for upcoming drivers.

20.  People need to be more educated on the risks of texting and driving.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Bell Ringer! Apr. 8, 2013

Texting while driving is no doubt a seriously, dangerous thing, but rates for it continue to increase as more and more people admit to texting while driving. A survey bu AT&T taken last year concluded that the majority of texters behind the wheel are adults ages 24-35. Teenagers aren't necessarily the bulk of the problem, it's full grown adults who know it's wrong but continue to do so anyway. Texting in general takes your eyes off of the road for 4.6 seconds (the time it takes to drive a football field at 55mph. It's dangerous not only to yourself but also to those around you, I really believe that no text is that important to risk your life for. Even though it is outlawed, people still continue to do it and probably always will, but at least they know the risks right? I personally have never texted while driving and don't plan to, but is it tempting? of course it is. Texting is something I grew up around and have texted for years now on a daily basis, but there are just some things you can't multi-tasking it with, like driving. Texting was made to be more convenient and easier that making a phone call, therefore you can include it in pretty much anything you do, travel, watch TV, read, at school, at work, it's made and included everywhere. Driving shouldn't be a place for it, it's just common sense.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bell Ringer! March 28, 2013

The Italian Court system is something I know nothing about, but it seems to be that they will give re-trials and give people a "second chance." this woman allegedly killed her roommate, therefore I think she should be put in jail for the rest of her life until she is dead like her roommate. Maybe she left the room a mess, but nothing could have deserved getting her life taken. The murderer thought this court mess was over, until more evidence came up and the case will be further investigated. I think that she should be punished accordingly.

Bell Ringer! March 27, 2013

same sex marriage is being more and more accepted throughout America and many people have mixed emotions on it; either you agree or disagree, theres no real in between on the subject. Now, same sex couples are saying that they are being treated unfairly as compared to married couples of opposite genders. Should same sex marriage couples be "fined" or have to pay a "debt" when one comes to an end? I believe that same sex couples aren't right, nor do I condone it, but once you make that decision it's on you, I don't even think it should even be made legal in the U.S. but people are so afraid of offending people now everything is becoming ok and it's really not.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 13, 2013

The Constitution is one of the most important documents that is still in effect today. It is the very foundation of our country as a whole. In it are our rights, wants and the basics of living our lives in the way that we deserve as given to us under God himself. The opening to The Constitution is the Preamble and it acts as the introduction explaining that this is what we want and what we deserve. Next are the seven articles followed by the 27 amendments. this is the framework that started it all and ensured us today that we are worthy and deserving of the lives we want.

Would I like jury duty?

     I really think that I would enjoy being called to be a juror for a case. I don't know a whole lot about how all that stuff is done and decided (except from the movies) and I think I'd like being able to be involved and get to witness it all happen. I think I'd like to serve on a petit jury, because then I'd actually get to make a decision about the case. It would be interesting to be involved in something like that, especially when people's families are hoping and praying that your end decision may go in their favor; it's a lot of pressure. I Think any criminal cases would be difficult, because you may not have all the facts, some people may not really have the answers you want and essentially you only know one thing, that this person supposedly committed a crime and of course they'll have a lawyer pleading their case, doing their best. Murder cases may be fun to hear, although it would probably be a touchy subject for some. I think I would just like to be involved and be a part of a decision made, because I know I'd use my best judgment and knowledge, therefore I think I'd feel good about whatever happened.

Jury Duty

     Many people may have wondered about what jury duty actually is or even what it would be like to participate in, but in order to have even the basic understanding of what it would be like, you have to know what the role of the jury is. To start, the term jury duty means that you have been chosen to be a juror for an upcoming case and you are expected to follow through with it, because serving jury duty is actually one of the responsibilities/duties of a United States citizen. Many people actually do enjoy being called for jury duty, because it open your eyes to the courts and the systems they use in such situations, it educates you and in a way forces you to become involved at the issue at hand. In order to be called for jury duty you have to fall in to certain criterion that makes you eligible for the position. For example, you have to be 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen.

            The role of a juror can be one filled with pressure, as the jury as a whole holds an important position; they essentially make the final decision. As a juror, you are to use your best judgment, common sense, and refer to all of the given evidence and viewpoints in order to make the best choice possible. The jury does not interpret the law or interrupt its functions in any way; instead they listen, decide, and go off the given evidence that is mentioned in the actual case itself. While the case is being presented to the judge and jury, the jury members may take notes on what they are seeing and hearing, and may pass notes to the foreman of the jury to request to the judge that something be discussed in further detail. All these factors presented determine which way the jury will lean to when it comes time to deliver a verdict.
     If and when a court case drags out for days at a time, when the case is adjourned for the day, the jurors can deliberate that day’s information with each other in private in order to discuss their thoughts and hear different viewpoints from the other jurors.

            The two dominant types of actual juries are the Petit jury and the Grand jury, both serving different intentions. Serving in a Petit jury means that you will go and hear either a criminal case or a civil case and each case has different requirements. In a criminal case, 12 jurors are required, as opposed to a civil case where only 8 jurors are needed. In a Petit jury on a criminal case, the jury must find the defendant either guilty or not guilty only by a unanimous vote. This jury is responsible for deciding, based on what they were given in the case if the defendant should be further “punished” or not. In the act of reaching a verdict in a civil case, only three fourths of the jury must agree on an answer.

            A Grand jury is very different from a Petit jury, because the Grand jury is only responsible for hearing the evidence given within the court case and then deciding if the defendant should be “indicted” and further trialed. This jury usually will serve for a longer period of time when compared to a Petit jury, because these cases are usually presented more in depth. The Grand jury is not, in any way, responsible for deciding the guilt or innocence of the person on trial, it is not their responsibility.

            Currently, in the United States, we have different types of courts including Federal and State, to which each has smaller more in-depth courts. The federal court refers to the court on a national level, where state courts only correspond within specific states and they are not all the same. Jury duty can completely depend on how a certain state’s court system is set up.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 11, 2013

Airport security is about to get technical with some people. Recently, mini pocketknives were allowed back on board, because, that's not where our security could be concerned apparently. Technology can, as of now, detect when a harmful (liquid) substance in on a plane or if there is an explosive making it important to have that feature in the plane with passengers. That same technology cannot, however detect what KIND of liquid something is, therefore still making shampoos, toothpastes, etc banned. Many people are wondering why this ban is being lifted, although there is a restriction on the knife blade length. The officials answered that they need to be more concerned with suspicious looking people as opposed to what they are taking on board with them, and that pocketknives have never really made any kinds of problems. I think it's a terrible idea and someone, somewhere is going to have a field day with this. Theres always that one person who takes a mile when you give them an inch; no good could come of this.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 7, 2013

1.) Yup, read the articles

2.) Define the terms 'Fillibuster' and 'Cloture'.
The term filibuster means, the act of excessive speech to hold off or delay the progress of the legislature for example, voting.
The term cloture means the act of ending a debate by the floor holder by a vote. At least 60 senators have to vote in the favor for the debate to be concluded.

3.) The History of the Filibuster
Filibusters have been around now since the mid- 19th century and continue to be used in today's senate as a way of "stalling." The act of using a filibuster is to simply speak for as long as you want about whatever you want in order to draw attention to something you feel needs more consideration before a vote. Researchers have found that the practice of using a filibuster was even used in ancient Roman times as a way to take the legislature "hostage." the first US filibuster was used in 1841 over the issue of firing the senate printers. Since then, senators have used the filibuster to take up time which can go on for days. It's a tactic that's been used in order to draw attention to something someone doesn't agree with, thus causing more time to be taken before a vote, to which the issue will be looked into in more detail. The cloture act wasn't put into play until 1917, which gave the senate the choice to stop the continuous talking if enough of them agreed to it.,8599,1933802,00.html

4.) Did You Know?
     1.) Senator first started to use filibusters in the late 1800's
     2.) The longest filibuster was used by Senator Strom Thurmond
     3.) The word filibuster comes from a Dutch word meaning "pirate"
     4.) 60 voted are needed to put a cloture into effect
     5.) It takes 41 senators to just mention that they intend to filibuster in order to stop a bill.
     6.) The number of times that the word "drones" were mentioned in Senator Rand Paul's
     filibuster was 468.
     7.) The cloture rule was put into effect on March 8, 1917 after Wilson had sat through a 23 day
     filibuster against his proposal to arm merchant ships.
     8.) The House of Representatives stopped using filibusters in 1842 because of it's growing size
     9.) Cato the Younger, was an ancient Roman politician who is known as one of the world's
     greatest filibusters.
     10.) During the time a filibuster is being given, the filibuster cannot leave the floor for anything.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 5, 2013

So, this past Tuesday, North Korea threatened to nullify the armistice agreement that had previously ended the north Korean War in 1953. Threres talk that the practice missile procedures had sparked all of this talk and pretty much North Korea's just wanting to do whatever it wants with what it has and not have to worry about anyone else, plus they haven't been getting along with South Korea for a while now. I think it's kind of a scary thought that they might be taking back what  ended a big war, so what will that mean for them then? More war? Do they want war? It's not a good all, why can't we all just get along!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 4, 2013

1.) Taxes and higher income families
Many of the wealthier families in American have been frustrated and been claiming that they are being unfairly taxed. The wealthier, higher income families are as of now, required to pay more taxes in comparison to everyone else. This would make me mad too, but they have the money to pay while middle income families don't always have it there to pay as well as the wealthy could. I think the middle class needs to have the lowest taxes, because they get hit the hardest, and whatever the rate is that deems you "wealthy" needs to be lowered to where more families pay slightly higher taxes too. Taxes are necessary for life to work, but we are too much in debt and keep getting farther and farther, while nothing is being done about it, or at least nothings being done fast enough. It should be common sense, if you're counted as wealthy you pay more, but not so much more to where you wont be OK.

2.) Tax reform debate
The upcoming tax reform debate is quickly approaching and the officials are gathering their thoughts on the subject. As like everything there are two distinct sides to everything. One group encourages a tax reform where the other has questionable concerns. I hope there is a tax reform, but in a good way, I don't want taxes to be raised and federal employees to have cut backs, i think that would hurt more than help; only time will tell

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bell Ringer! Mar. 1, 2013

Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea at a basket ball exhibition at the palace. He is very open about his friendship with the North Korean Leader, Kim, and says he loves the people of North Korea and is okay with that. A lot of discussion about North Korea's recent missile episode has gone into effect relating to Rodman's recent "love" for North Korea. Many people here are actually hoping that maybe this relationship will ease the tension between the U.S. and North Korea. Kim is said to be a huge basketball fan, especially when Rodman was playing for the NBA. I don't trust them or their friendship. We have never had good relations with North Korea, so I don't think think we should be trying to start one now.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 28, 2013 1,2,3 & 4

1.) Teen Driving rates
     The percentage of teen driver moralities has doubled since the first half of 2012. The driver ages have been mostly 16 and 17 year olds being the ones involved in the accidents. If this trend continues into early 2013 we will have a lot more deaths and a much bigger problem with general transportation system. I think it's really a shame that so many young teen lives are being lost due to teen drivers. I don't know it it's their fault or the other person, but regardless, they need to have a better understanding of how a vehicle works before getting behind the wheel.

2.) Guns and Friendship in West Virginia
     Since almost the beginning of West Virginia we have loved having our guns and protecting what's ours. With all the upcoming talk about President Obama's thoughts on tightening up the guns all over the nation, West Virginia is one of the states who are most against this. People here have a sort of bond over their guns and shooting together. It's more than a lifestyle to many people here, having their guns is a way to function and feel a sense of pride in their homes and communities. I think it's a good thing we are so comfortable with having guns and that we are always ready to defend whats ours. In today's world, we can't be afraid to stand up for ourselves no matter what.

3.) Sexting?
     Research has shown that every 1 in 3 teens had admitted to sexting in their lives. This includes send an inappropriate photo or explicit text. This act is very dangerous and can entail serious consequences for teens and can potentially put them in jail. It is an illegal act that they don't seem to take serious enough. I think higher precautions need to be taken to lower this percentage.

4.) Teens suspended over Harlem Shake video
     A handful of high school teens got suspended from school and from the hockey play off game they were supposed to take part in due to an "inappropriate" Harlem Shake video. The project only lasted about 15 second and no one was hurt, but the principal said it was too out of hand and alerted the local police, who were on the scene. This "rave" had the permission by a teacher of the students, who said it would be okay. I don't think the kids should have gotten suspended, because technically, no one was harmed, nor was any property damaged in the process. They were just having fun, it's not like 100 other kids haven't made Harlem Shake videos.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 26, 2013

Sleep-texting, has had people confused for a while now, but more and more people have looked into it. Some people have said they've sleep texted, just because it's like another form of sleep walking, but with technology. We are becoming so involved with technology that we even involve it with our sleeping habits. I actually think I've sleep texted before, because I can remember doing one time. Luckily I stopped myself before i sent it, but I had it typed up and everything. i can't remember what it said but I'm glad I didn't send it' it probably wouldn't have made sense.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People who made a difference

Kitara- Martin Luther King Jr.

* August 28, 1963, made his "I have a Dream Speech."
* Growing up was hard for him and other black people alike
* civil rights activist who believed in peaceful retaliation

Lori Knight- Harvey Milk

* Took action for gays to have their rights
* The first openly gay person on the City Commissions
* 1978, he was shot by a stranger

Ashtin Haddix- Albert Einstein

* Born March 15, 1879, I think
* Loved music
*Responsible for the E=mc2 equasion from a theory
* Dropped out of high school

Jessica Delegata- Ghandi

* Had an arranged child birth
* Became famous for his work towards civil rights for India's people
* Preached love and piece
* He was shot

Tyler- Winston Churchill

* Leadership in WWII
* Served as Prime Minister twice
* Refused to surrender to Germany

Natashe Ancel- Harriet Tubman

* Born in Maryland
* Suffered from permanent physical injuries
* Escaped slavery and went to Philidelphia
* Worked as a cook and nurse
* Married twice

Casey Burner- Florence Nightingale

* Born in Florence Italy in 1820
* Younger child of the two of them
* Ministered to the ill and poor people in her neighboring state
* Knew she wanted to be a nurse from a young age
* Created the Red Cross

Stephine Streets- Jane Goodall

* Born on April 3, 1934 in London
* still alive today
* First pet was a cat when she was 47
* Wanted to study chimps
* won over 47 awards
* Went to Oxford University

Ian S- Bill Gates

* Computer programer
* Tic Tak Toe game, first computer program ever
* Dropped out of college
* Invented Windows program
* Makes 250$ a second
* Could spend 7 million a day and not be out of money up to his 90th birthday
* Gives to charities
* Worth 60 billion

Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 25, 2013

The House of Delegates passed the Pro-Gun Bill this past Friday and, I'm guessing, are a bit more relived because of it. This  Pro-Gun Bill basically said that in the case of emergency, guns owned by residents could not be taken away under any circumstances. Within presenting this bill, the Katrina catastrophe was brought up and used as an example. After Katrina, allegedly, firearms were taken from the public, but on the other hand, some said that the "taken" firearms were actually found as being abandoned. Regardless, West Virginia really wants to be on the safe side with having their guns, they always have been. I think that yes, I'd want to have my own personal protection in the event of an emergency, but even without an emergency I'd still want to feel protected in my own home. I think if you want to have a gun that's fine, but I also think restrictions and tighter security on them needs to be put into play.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 22, 2013 2

So, West Virginia is in the top ten most depressing states, I can see it. Like the article read, I do think a lot of the reasoning is due to the lack of resources to treat any form of depression. I'm thinking that even if the resources were more popular, people here wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. I will say that I personally don't see/witness/hear of a lot of people being diagnosed by a doctor depressed, maybe it's more popular in the middle-aged group. Whatever the reasoning, I think it's kind of sad that a lot of people here are depressed, I don't think it's depressing here, at least not physically. If you're looking at it from a more "material" point of view, then yes I'd say it was, because of the lack of jobs, money, etc. Then the other side of me thinks, if you want that stuff, then leave and go get it; it just depends on what you like and are happy with.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 22, 2013 1

Recently, industries from all over, especially those dealing in the meat/farming business, have brought to the attention of the Supreme Court the awful effects of higher-ethanol fuels. Fuels that are being used require a lot to go into them. One man claimed that it was hard on his work, because of lack of corn. I'm guessing the type of fuel he was referring to was made from corn that he sold to the company or business, however, the fuel being made required a lot more corn than he thought. He also claimed that its hard to make feed for the animals without corn, but since its needed for the fuel he gives it. I'm thinking the easy solution to this problem would be to just lower the amount of ethanol that goes in to the fuel. I don't know what it does, I don't know the effects of it, but in order to save some resources, they should make the fuel so it's still getting the job done, but at the same time using the minimum amount of ethanol possible.

Bell Ringer! Feb. 20, 2013

There has been a lot of discussion and arguing over the entire Voting Act, even when it was put into play, certain people were opposed to it. The discrimination still exists today, just maybe not in ways that are as extreme as they were in the 50s and 60s. I think EVERYONE has the right to vote for whatever position they choose to vote for. If you're a citizen, living here, and contributing to everyday society, then It's your right to vote for who you want to run things. It's obvious that back then black people were hated, but since then they've been equal, always have been in my opinion. There are always going to be those groups and those individuals who disagree and probably always will, its sad, but will probably always persist. It could vary from state to state, but the point is that it's not just a problem in one area.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 21, 2013

Recently, in a Michigan Hospital, a very unhappy dad of a new born baby made a request via note attached to a clipboard. The request was that no African American nurse take care of his baby for the time it was in the hospital. The article went on to read that this request was granted, thus supporting an unlawful cause. The nurse that this request was directed to has been reassigned and has an ongoing lawsuit upon the hospital. I can't believe the hospital was okay with this request, that's where things went wrong. I can understand trying to keep the patient happy, but I wouldn't have been to apt to fit his request, it's not fair to the woman trying to do her job. She was employed for 25 years at that hospital and now, out of the blue, got reassigned for something she has no control over. I really think the dad is the one with the problem, not the nurse. I think she's right for opening a lawsuit on the hospital too, but seeing how they handled the request, if I were her, I wouldn't be sure I wanted to work there anymore anyway.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 19, 2013

Giving two years of compulsory service is a good idea at a glance, and I can see why they would be encouraging it, but I can see how a lot of people would be opposed to it. They say that they are wanting to make it mandatory that everyone between the ages of 18 and 25 has to give two years of some sort of service, even outside the military, like being a student, being in the health care field, something of that sort. On the more military side, now being able to partake in the full combat experience is now available to both men and women. There is debate though that unnecessary, constant combat is becoming too much, thus we need to even out the service more among citizens. I think the idea is good, but people will probably fight it once and if it ever became mandatory.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 14, 2013

Birth rates in America are extremely low, and this has officials in a worried uproar about the dropping rate of tax payers that there will be in the future. The cause for the huge drop in birth rates is because of the economy, so they say. Prices are too high to support a child in today's world, so a lot of people think. The generation of Baby Boomers is getting older and older all the time, which means that the rate of the elderly people is rising while babys is lowering. The oldest baby boomers are now going to be 67*.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 13, 2013

The State of the Union Address was given last night at the Capital Building. President Obama gave what he plans to be his yearly agenda on topics such as taxes, jobs, and immigration. An online site showed the public a "word cloud" that shows the top 150 words that Obama used in the State of the Union Address. The bigger the words were in this cloud, the more frequently he used them. The biggest words in the cloud were TAXES, JOBS, and WORK. He was supposed to talk about the main issues of the economy, and how America needs more jobs, the things that supposedly put him back in position.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 12, 2013

Today, in the world, China has been conducting nuclear ammunition testing with aid of Korea underground. These nuclear tests have been conducted before and it was never as big of a threat as it is now. The article read that if need be, in the act of defense, China has a couple back up plans that they were not specific on. These tests have been reported to be a serious threat to the United States because of the risk of a potential attack. I think that as long as these drills are just tests then they should be okay, but I can see where we would want to still be aware of whats happening the entire time. These drills are performed and tested in case of an International Peace crisis of any sort. I see it as they are keeping their guard up and want to be prepared for all events, just as the United States wants to do as well. They can test, we just need to keep an eye on them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 11, 2013

President Obama will soon speak again on Tuesday, about the pressing issues that basically got him back in the White House. He will be focusing on jobs and the economy. The newest thing he says that needs to be done is spending cuts, which is a given, but I think things may get worse for the middle class' I don't think the wealthy is being hit nearly as hard as the mid class. He wants to build up revenue, and I'm all for it, but he didn't agree to cuts of any kind back in 2008, so now in 2013 he can't expect to see that much of a revenue raise due to cuts, but due to the taxes that he has raised on the middle class. He wants to " build up the middle class," so why doesn't he take down the wealthy for a while and give the mid class a break. Gun control will also be a discussed issue Tuesday as there has been many gun oriented crimes recently. Obama says that we need restrictions on guns so no more children will have to lose their lives due to a sens-less act of violence, and he's right, but I can't see him wanting to truly make a compromise to make EVERYONE happy. His last issue of topic will be immigration and why our country needs it. Obama says that immigrants help make up an important part of our economy and that they will help create jobs.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 7, 2013

This article tries to express just how seriously West Virginians take their guns and gun control rights. Recent polls have shown that West Virginia considers itself as a more conservative state now that the 2nd amendment is being potentially put at risk. our state Constitution clearly states that we can and will have guns for various reasons such as, self defense, defense of home or family, hunting and recreational use. It's clear that recently West Virginians have been getting very anxious and worried about their personal 2nd amendment rights being at risk, what with President Obama considering doing away with guns and or tightening up the rules and regulations to physically own a gun. Until something is done and set in stone I think people, especially 2nd amendment loving, conservatives, will be on full lookout to keep their guns in home where they belong.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bell Ringer! Feb. 6, 2013

Technology is sweeping the nation, especially in schools used for educational purposes. Digital learning day is celebrated on Wednesday, every year and is celebrated for students and teachers who actually use technology in the classroom as a way to learn. Not everyone can use technology in the classroom, because a lot of areas don't have the funding yet for the needed technology. I use technology everyday and I am in a very fortunate school who does make sure to have upgraded technology for the students. It could be a lot worse here, we could have nothing, but soon I think almost every school will have technology in it. I think it's a good thing for students to have and use.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 31, 3013

currently, the biggest political dispute between the Democratic and Republican parties in guns and gun laws in our country. Republicans have always been pro gun, no matter what tragedies happen, while Democrats believe we should have strict laws on gun control, but really what would that do? If someone wants a gun, good person or bad person, they're going to get one, end of story. It's like illegal drugs, people still get them, they're still all over. They say the government needs to hurry and make some kind of common meeting ground between the two feuding parties, but is there a common ground at all? It's likely that both parties are at extremely different ends of the spectrum; Democrats could want no guns for any one or any household, while Republicans only blame people for crime and not the weapons, therefore, guns for everyone. Is every situation like that? Of course not, but I'd bet there are some really die hard Democrats and Republicans who want to live to see the day either one or the other happens.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 30, 2013

Being over educated for jobs that don't necessarily require it is really unfair to me and I don't see why its happening as much as it is. For example, taxi drivers today have at least bachelor's degrees while in the 1970's you didn't need one to be a taxi driver, and the job description hasn't changed much at all. This is sad for the people going to go to college, because that means that now a bachelor's degree doesn't mean as much as it should. Now, people will have to get a higher degree just to be able to get a deserving job of it. In a lot of cases, a bachelor's degree doesn't mean anything and to really be doing the career you deserve and want, higher education is required.

Bell Ringer! Jan. 29, 2013

Happening very soon, the boy scouts, 4-H groups have announced that will be allowing gays to join, along with a few other groups who may be joining the movement. I think allowing gays is a good thing, but not because they're gay. They are making a big deal of it because of the simple fact that they are gay. More and more organizations are beginning to allow members whether they're gay or not and I don't see a problem with that. I don't, however, think their lifestyle should be encouraged, but I don't think they should be discriminated against for it. Let them join because they're people too and they're equal, but leave it there, don't bring their personal lifestyle in the picture.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Catch Up! Bell Ringer! Jan. 16, 2013

Recently, Washington had decided to start using a new license plate that states "Taxation without representation." This will be mainly used on presidential vehicles so that will be recognized as that. I think if Washington wants to start using those new license plates then more power to them. Our country was founded from the statement therefore it should be remembered. We stemmed as a nation from not wanting to pay taxes, that's when we really stood up for ourselves and made a name for ourselves. I think we all need to remember that actually, but it should say "NO" in front of it. How about "No taxation without representation" license plates for everyone!

Catch up! Bell Ringer! Jan. 15, 2013

Each state has a different stand on gun control and I'm only going to review West Virginia's

West Virginia has, for many years, been a state that supports gun rights and has been pro NRA, but after all the recent shootings and tragedies people couldn't help but wonder where it stands now. Our governor, Tomblin, said that while we are for guns we need to consider making changes to try to better the chances of not having anymore mass murders due to guns. At this time, however there are no new gun law proposals in this state. So we still want our guns, but we just think some changes need to be made to tighten the system.

Catch up! Bell Ringer Jan. 14, 2013

The NRA has been coming up with reasons as to why Congress will not pass weapons ban. Vice president Biden has been working extremely hard talking to and meeting with anyone who could potentially have a say in this. I can't see weapons ever being completely banned, because that's completely unconstitutional; it would go against the second amendment. However, I do see where adjustments need to be made within the system to better secure who has a weapon (if possible) and make sure certain guns that are deemed unnecessary are kept out of as many negative hands as possible. The intentions of a ban is a good thing, but I can't really see it working as it should, meaning I can't see only some guns being banned..people would get upset and offended even over that. I can see how Congress is in a tough position.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bell Ringer! January 28, 2012

Ms. Hillary Clinton is said to be the next democratic candidate for the next election in a few years. Many people feel she would make an excellent president considering her husband's past work. Many are debating whether she would be able to handle the position since men have have held it since the beginning of time. I think that because she is a woman things would be different, maybe not so much different in the way things happen, but in the way they are handled. Even as a republican I would be anxious to see how she handled the position as president, because I think the time is modern enough that we could handle a woman president, and really gender shouldn't play a big role in it since we are all equal.

What happened at the Inauguration

This past Monday was a very special day to some as the President, Barack Obama was sworn in again to officially begin his second term. This memorable event was held in Washington D.C. (of course) and had hundreds of gusts lining up just to witness and be a part of the event. The first Lady, Michelle Obama started things off by appearing in a stunning red gown, which has been all the recent talk on the web. It was posted that the first lady hasn’t wore red to her husband’s inauguration in over 100 years, the color of choice being white. Obama’s big speech has been perceived now as, “moving and truthful” because of how he looked back on what was done in his past term, and made it clear what would be done now. Everything will run together and everything will effects something, meaning what was done last term wasn’t just for nothing, it will continue to build a better America today, which should be any president’s main goal. Beyonce was a main entertainment point, as she performed The Star Spangled Banner. However, there have been rumors that her singing was actually lip syncing instead of actual singing, which i guess is ok as long as it was her own voice. I had also heard that while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the words "under God" were either left completely out or edited by the television station broadcasting the event. From what I've heard and read about it, it was a very moving, yet bittersweet experience to be had, again.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 2, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff:
     This past Tuesday, the talk has been all about the Fiscal Bill that was finally passed thanks to the agreement finally reached thanks to President Obama (the house and senate.) This Fiscal Bill has been built up and has promised to give a break to the middle class, which is what everyone has been anticipating. For years now the middle class has needed and wanting a major tax break and some people were more displeased than others when the results of the bill were reached. The plan is essentially supposed to block tax hikes and delay spending cuts, meaning fewer taxes. What I have come to have read about the fiscal cliff, is that it has raised taxes on the more wealthy people earning at least 400,000 a year. So, their taxes will increase, while nothing really happens to the middle class where everyone actually wanted a tax cut.

Review of 2012

2012 in review:

    The 100th anniversary of the Titanic:
      It’s been a year and I can still remember what a big deal it was that Titanic’s 100th anniversary was happening in 2012. For some reason I heard a lot about it, and through it learned some pretty cool things about it in general. I had seen the movie (and love it) and thought that having something man-made that big was just amazing. They would say, “Not even God could sink this ship,” and its name, Titanic (meaning huge in size with strength) was heard close to the phrase “The unsinkable ship.” Titanic was one of the biggest sea vessels ever built, and on that specific voyage, would be carrying thousands of people who didn’t even have a chance of seeing their lives coming to an end because of the unsinkable ship. Among the hundreds of people who lost their lives, there have been Titanic survivors, the ones who got saved and who happened to be at the right place at the right time. I had read about Titanic at this time and couldn’t believe all the publicity the museum was getting, but for some people, I guess, it was more than just a movie.
The Hunger Games:
     My little brother could tell you everything you could ever want to know about this one, The Hunger Games. I’m pretty sure we all can remember all the buildup that came with the release of the first of The Hunger Games trilogy back in March. This was said to be the movie to change it all, directors and film critics were predicting that this movie would override all the others before it and that it was just going to be amazing, and they weren’t far from it in saying that. This movie is based on a futuristic setting of the nation where instead of states, we are divided into districts. These districts have different resources, but none seem to have the basis for successful living, nutrients. Kids from these districts are chosen and forced to fight to the death for the well-being of their specific district. I have seen this and honestly, I’m not a fan, but the 155 million dollars it brought in while in theaters says differently. Not only is it one of the top earning movies, but it also beat the ever famous Twilight on opening night.
Hurricane Sandy:
     In late October of 2012, an unusual breeze was in the air, which happened to turn out to be a full blown hurricane. Hurricane Sandy hit us hard sweeping through the east coast and starting from the southern Caribbean region. Many have never seen a storm so devastatingly destructive before, nor has many things come close to the amount of cost of damage. Hurricane Sandy has taken nothing short of billions of dollars in repairs and is still showing her effects today in some areas that got hit the hardest. The death toll for Hurricane Sandy was approximated to be around at least 149 people spanning from Georgia clear up the east coast. A few reminders of Hurricane Sandy; jersey Shore was absolutely wiped out and a given nickname of the “Frankenstorm,” due to its destructive pattern and force leading up to 70-100 mph winds tearing up everything in its path. Also, power outages were awful; people were left without power for weeks at a time based on where you were compared to where Sandy was the most aggressive.
The Election:
     It comes as no surprise that former president Obama did win the 2012 election against Senator Romney in the presidential election. This was an extremely close race, as Obama and Romney were neck and neck almost the entire time switching paces only momentarily up until the last few electoral votes were submitted. Ohio was the deciding state and the decision, based on voters was in favor of Obama, thus making the decision unanimous for Obama. It was reported that Obama won (obviously) the electoral votes, while Romney did win the popular vote, which I think says a lot about a candidate. I’m sure this election will be remembered for many as a nervous time; I know I will remember it as it is the first time I had ever voted.
It's the end of the world!!...again:
     This past December was said to have been the month in which the world would finally end thanks to the Mayans calender that suddenly ended on December 21, 2012. This story was even broad casted on the news as being on a lot of people's minds; many were scared as well as unshaken. The Mayan calender ended on that specific day and no one really knows why, so, what happens when we don't have an explanation for something..we panic..some of us anyway. Clearly, it was not the end, we are all still here and no one knows when the end will be.
Sandy Hook:
This event, unfortunately, is one that many of us would prefer to forget. On December 14, 2012 in Newton Connecticut Sandy Hook Elementary school was under an attack of a gunman carrying more than 100 rounds of ammunition. The gunman entered the school through a broken window and immediately opened fire. When police arrived on the scene the gunman was dead due to suicide, while inside 20 students and six adults were found dead; the victims of this brutal crime. For weeks after and still today families mourn the deaths and all of Connecticut and surrounding areas have been showing their love and support to Sandy Hook and the families. Since this event issues such as school safety and gun control have greatly talked about and rethought. The people in Newton never expected anything like this to happen, and they shouldn’t have; it shouldn’t ever have to happen anywhere, especially in a rural town such as Newton. This is why we need to be thankful that we live in a small town with low crime and continue to keep the Sandy Hook victims in mind.
Man Jumps From Space:
     This one is amazing. Austrian skydiver Mr. Felix Baumgartner broke the sky fall record by falling 128,000 feet and also traveled faster than the speed of sound by falling almost 900 mph. This has been this man’s goal in life I guess to push himself to new heights. This jump passed his last jump record and even jumped ahead of his mentors own record of sky falling back in 1960. A huge percent of the world was watching on October 14, 2012 as this man made history and set a huge bar for whoever wants to try. Since then he has been on numerous talk shows and has gotten a lot of support. There is video of the entire jump documented and to watch it is pretty crazy, when he is getting ready to jump you can actually see the Earth as he is right at the edge of space; more power to him. This obviously went down in the book of world records.
Same Sex Marriage:
     Gay marriage is not a new thing, but it being seen as completely fine is. With this last election in November, it has been made legal to marry someone of the same sex in certain states in the United States. Currently, nine states in the nation and they are: Washington, Washington D.C., Vermont, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Connecticut. Gay marriage first became legalized on November 7, 2012. Many people knew this was coming, but the question remains if it will eventually become legal in every state. The views that usually come into play when dealing with same sex marriages revolve around your personal religious beliefs. Many people view marriage as a commitment between two people, and of course those people want to be treated as equal, thus wanting to be able to publically make the same commitment with their loved one.
R.I.P. Andy Griffith:
     Andy Griffith, beloved star of the famous television show, “The Andy Griffith Show” passed away on July 3, 2012. Andy died of a heart attack at his North Carolina home, was the information shortly reported after the tragic event. Many were saddened to hear the news of the American actor’s quick pass over, however many say they know exactly where he is now. Andy was a winner of the Medal of Freedom and was nominated for a Tony Award for two separate parts. He was a southern-gospel singer and lover as well as a Grammy winner. Andy was 86 years old when he died, and he was put to rest in the Griffith family cemetery on Roanoke Island approximately just five hours after the pronounced time of death. Many say Andy was a lovable man who enjoyed making people laugh and I’m sure he will continue to be greatly missed.

Theater Shooting:
     This is something that happened so randomly that no one was ever expecting it. On July 20, 2012 a mass shooting broke out in a casual movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. The shooting occurred during a midnight premier of the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. On opening night, movie theaters everywhere were packed with anxious views waiting to see what was called the best Batman movie yet, and only true Batman fans would venture out just to be one of the first people to see it at midnight. At about 12:30- 12:39, the masked gunman set off tear gas grenades into the audience and began to open fire aimlessly. Police arrived on the scene just seconds after a 911 call was made from someone in the theater and on arriving they witnessed 12 people dead with 58 people injured. Police said they did not wait for ambulances to arrive before they started taking people in serious medical attention to the hospital in their own patrol cars. Later it was made public that President Obama made a special visit to Colorado to grieve with the families of the lost loved ones, it was also said that in the midst of the audience a baby was one of the victims killed.

Cancer Cure?:
     Amazingly, it has been coming up that the HIV/AIDS virus might possible be the key to curing certain cancers. Studies have been developed that say with the proper work and procedure an HIV/ virus could be made to go after and kill cancer cells in a person’s body. These HIV cells have to be genetically altered in some ways in order for them to mutate in a way that attacks the cancer cells in the body. Once the HIV takes over the cancer it is mutated but can be cured. There have been a couple people so far who have agreed to undergo the research by offering their bodies as test subjects; miraculously, one girl is completely cured of her cancer. Scientists have waited a long time to be able to do something as big as this and now that it’s started I believe the cure will be found. If they can continue this work and experimentation cancer can finally be put to rest.
R.I.P. Whitney Houston:
     Beloved, famous singer and actress, Whitney Houston was found dead on February 11, 2012, while staying in a Beverly Hilton Hotel. She was only 48 when she passed away and had just finished a movie, Sparkle, in which she played the talented mother to three girls. Houston’s body was examined in hopes to find the correct cause of death and it was indeed found. It was obvious to many that Whitney had a drug problem and upon the examination, cocaine and metabolites were found in her system along with over the counter prescriptions of various natures. An overdose/ fatal reaction was said to have been the correct cause of death. Whitney was laid to rest on February 19, 2012.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bell Ringer! Jan. 3, 2013

On a funnier note, recently, a story came about involving a couple who were flying back to their Florida home from a vacation/trip to another house miles away. this couple enjoy to fly and do so in their privately owned helicopter. When the couple come back it only makes sense that they fly over their property in preparations to make their landing. While they were getting ready to land, the woman saw someone walking around their property, looking in windows and acting suspicious. Eventually it was seen that the man actually stole the couple's trailer that was in their yard; he hitched the whole thing to the back of his truck and drove off with the owners 300 ft. above him watching it happen. The cops were informed and they set out to look the man along with the owners coming to look after making their landing. Eventually the truck was found and the man was taken to the county jail. The trailer was rightfully returned to the owners who took it home with all their belongings still in it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bell Ringer! Dec. 18, 2012

Due to recent events that took place in Sandy Hook, words from Manchin have come out on his views of gun control. He has been pro-gun and pro-NRA, but now he's saying he may be having second thoughts. I think a lot of people may be having second thoughts on where they stand with guns (if not guns in general then school security at least.)

 “I don’t know anyone that needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting …”- was a quote taken from Manchin during his appearance on Morning Joe that really makes a lot of sense when thought about. No one needs all that just to hunt; it's not necessary, therefore it's not needed period.